

Sets or returns the interpolation type of a standard function curve as one of the siFCurveInterpolation enum values.

For more information, see "FCurve Interpolation and Extrapolation" in the Softimage user guide.


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to get an FCurve's interpolation.
function WriteInterpolation( in_interpolation )
        switch (in_interpolation) {
                case 1 :
                        return "siConstantInterpolation";
                case 2 :
                        return "siLinearInterpolation";
                case 3 :
                        return "siCubicInterpolation";
                default :
                        return "Invalid Interpolation type";
function Main()
        var oCube = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube","MeshSurface" );
        var aValues = new Array( 0.00, 5.00, 1.00, 6.00, 2.00, 7.00, 3.00, 8.00, 4.00, 9.00, 5.00, 10.00 );
        var oFCurve = oCube.PosX.AddFCurve2( aValues );
        LogMessage( "FCurve interpolation : " + WriteInterpolation(oFCurve.Interpolation) );
// Outputs:
//INFO : FCurve interpolation : siCubicInterpolation