CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"
'Create a texture property containing the projected U,V,W values
CreateProjection "grid", "siTxtPlanarXZ", "siTxtDefaultPlanarXZ", , tex_obj, True
SelectObj "Grid.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection" ' & tex_obj
'The current selection contains the new texture property
set sel = application.selection(0)
' List of sample points to modify.
mySampleList = Array(1,2)
myValues = sel.obj.ElementsValues( mySampleList )
for i = LBound( myValues, 1 ) to UBound( myValues, 1 )
logmessage "(" & myValues(i,0) & " , " & myValues(i,1) & ")"
'Do an operation on each value.
' this is the U value
myValues( i, 0 ) = .45
' this is the V value
myValues( i, 1 ) = .45
'Set the new values
sel.obj.SetElementsValues mySampleList , myValues