ClusterElementCollection.Array operator


Sets or returns an array of element values.

In the case of a Cluster, this provides read-only access to a 1-dimensional Array of the associated geometry indices (Integers) for each component.

In the case of a ClusterProperty, this allows you to get or set a 2-dimensional Array containing all the data of the cluster property (Doubles). The size of the first dimension depends on the ClusterProperty. For example for a weight map there is only 1 element but for an envelope weight map the size is equal to the number of deformers. The second dimension is the size of the cluster.


1. VBScript Example

dim oRoot, oGrid, oCluster, aElements
set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oGrid = oRoot.AddGeometry("Grid","MeshSurface")
set oCluster = oGrid.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( _
        siPolygonCluster, "PolygonClusterOnGrid", _
aElements  = oCluster.Elements.Array
LogMessage "lbound(aElements,1) " & lbound(aElements,1)
LogMessage "ubound(aElements,1) " & ubound(aElements,1)
for iIndex=lbound(aElements,1) to ubound(aElements,1)
        iElement = aElements(iIndex)
        LogMessage "element(" & iIndex & ") = " & _
                oCluster.Type & "(" & iElement & ") "

2. JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to work with the safearray returned
        from ClusterElementCollection.Array using the GridData object
// ***************************************
//              SETUP
// Create scene with sphere
NewScene( null, false );
var obj = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" ) ;
obj.subdivu = 2;
obj.subdivv = 1;
AddVertexColorsToMesh( obj )
// ***************************************
//              FIND VERTEX COLORS
// Get current polygon mesh geometry
var polymesh = obj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;    
// Returns a ClusterPropertyCollection
var vertexcolors = polymesh.VertexColors;
Application.LogMessage( vertexcolors.Count );
for ( var j=0; j<vertexcolors.Count; j++ ) { 
        // Gets a ClusterProperty
        var vertexcolor = vertexcolors(j);
        Application.LogMessage( vertexcolor.Fullname );
        // Returns a ClusterElementCollection
        var cls_prop_elems = vertexcolor.Elements;
        // Returns a VBArray
        var vbValues = cls_prop_elems.Array;
        Application.LogMessage( "# of dimensions: " + vbValues.dimensions() );
        for ( var d=1; d<=vbValues.dimensions(); d++ ) {
                Application.LogMessage( "range of dimension " + d + ": " + vbValues.lbound(d) + ".." + vbValues.ubound(d) );
        // DISPLAY INFO
        var gridtable = MakeMeAPPG( vbValues );
        var canceled = InspectObj( gridtable, "", "", siModal, false );
        // CHANGE INFO
        if ( !canceled ) {
                grid_mod = gridtable.Parameters("VertexColorChart").Value;
                grid_mod.SetCell( 0, 0, 1.23 );
                DeleteObj( gridtable );
                gridtable = MakeMeAPPG( grid_mod.Data );
                // RE-DISPLAY MODIFIED INFO
                InspectObj( gridtable, "", "", siModal, false );
// ***************************************
//              ADD VERTEX COLORS
function AddVertexColorsToMesh( in_Mesh ) 
        // Get mesh's material
        var mat = in_Mesh.Material;
        // If material is not local add one
        if ( mat.IsA(siSharedPSet) ) {
                mat = in_Mesh.AddMaterial();
        // Get polygon mesh geometry
        var polymesh = in_Mesh.ActivePrimitive.Geometry;    
// ***************************************
//              Functions to support PPG
function MakeMeAPPG( in_VBArray )
        var gprop = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "Visual2DArray" );                    
        var gparam = gprop.AddGridParameter( "VertexColorChart" );
        var ugrid = gparam.Value;
        // Set bounds of this grid
        ugrid.ColumnCount = in_VBArray.ubound(1)+1;
        ugrid.RowCount = in_VBArray.ubound(2)+1;
        ugrid.Data = in_VBArray;
        // Set up the labels
        var tmp = new Array( "R", "G", "B", "A" );
        for ( var c=0; c<ugrid.ColumnCount; c++ ) {
                ugrid.SetColumnLabel( c, tmp[c]) ;
        for ( var r=0; r<ugrid.RowCount; r++ ) {
                ugrid.SetRowLabel( r, "Cluster " + r.toString() );
        // Return the Property Set (not the Grid itself)
        return gprop;