





Sets a thumbnail from the input path by copying that file to the Thumbnails sub-folder under the current project and then setting that thumbnail on each object in the specified list.

Scripting Syntax

SetThumbnail( [InputObjs], [Pathname] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of elements (such as objects, models) on which to set the thumbnail

Default Value: Selected objects

Pathname String Path/File name of file to set as a thumbnail.

Default Value: User is prompted for path/filename (with path set to the default Thumbnails sub-folder under the current project).


VBScript Example

' This example demonstrates how to use the SetThumbnail command by opening
' one of the OLD Softimage sample scenes and setting a thumbnail (from a file) on the
' Aibo object.
NewScene , False
samplePath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( _
        Application.InstallationPath( siFactoryPath ), _
        "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES" _
scnPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( samplePath, "Scenes", "OLD", "dog.scn" )
thbPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( samplePath, "Thumbnails", "XSIlogo32.bmp" )
OpenScene scnPath, False
SetThumbnail "Aibo", thbPath
' If you wish you can now view that thumbnail by using a driven tab in a shelf view.

See Also

SetThumbnailFromRegion ClearThumbnail