Sets a shader compound port's properties.
SetShaderCompoundPortProperties( InputObj, PPGMinValue, PPGMaxValue, PPGEnumValues, PPGLayoutVisible, PPGLayoutGroup, PPGLayoutTab, RTLayoutVisible, RTLayoutGroup, ModifyFlags ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputObj | String | Shader compound port containing the properties to modify.
Default Value: Current selection |
PPGMinValue | String | Minimum UI Value for the control on the Property Page. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean. |
PPGMaxValue | String | Maximum UI Value for the control on the Property Page. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean. |
PPGEnumValues | String | Formated string to represent content of the combo box used to display enum values. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean. e.g: "None,0.0;Medium,0.4;High,1.0;Very High,5.0;" |
PPGLayoutVisible | Boolean | The UI control of the port can be hidden in the property page. |
PPGLayoutGroup | String | PPG UI layout item can be regrouped in groups when the PPGLayoutGroup string is filled up. |
PPGLayoutTab | String | PPG UI layout item can be regrouped in tabs when the PPGLayoutTab string is filled up. |
RTLayoutVisible | Boolean | The Render Tree Port can be hidden. |
RTLayoutGroup | String | Render Tree Ports can be regrouped in port group when the RTLayoutGroup string is filled up. |
ModifyFlags | Integer | Bit field combination indicating which properties to modify. 1 for the first argument, 2 for the second argument, 4 for the third argument, and so on. |
GetShaderCompoundPortProperties SetShaderCompoundPropertiesEx GetShaderCompoundProperties EditShaderCompoundPPGLogic CreateShaderFromPreset CreateShadersFromMaterialPreset CreateShaderFromCLSID CreateShaderFromProgID CreateShaderCompound NestShaders UnnestShaders AddShaderCompoundPort RemoveShaderCompoundPort MoveShaderCompoundPort RenameShaderCompoundPort ExportShaderCompound ImportShaderCompound ExplodeShaderCompound