





Sets a shader compound port's properties.

Scripting Syntax

SetShaderCompoundPortProperties( InputObj, PPGMinValue, PPGMaxValue, PPGEnumValues, PPGLayoutVisible, PPGLayoutGroup, PPGLayoutTab, RTLayoutVisible, RTLayoutGroup, ModifyFlags );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String Shader compound port containing the properties to modify.

Default Value: Current selection

PPGMinValue String Minimum UI Value for the control on the Property Page. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean.
PPGMaxValue String Maximum UI Value for the control on the Property Page. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean.
PPGEnumValues String Formated string to represent content of the combo box used to display enum values. Works only with simple type like Scalar, Integer and Boolean. e.g: "None,0.0;Medium,0.4;High,1.0;Very High,5.0;"
PPGLayoutVisible Boolean The UI control of the port can be hidden in the property page.
PPGLayoutGroup String PPG UI layout item can be regrouped in groups when the PPGLayoutGroup string is filled up.
PPGLayoutTab String PPG UI layout item can be regrouped in tabs when the PPGLayoutTab string is filled up.
RTLayoutVisible Boolean The Render Tree Port can be hidden.
RTLayoutGroup String Render Tree Ports can be regrouped in port group when the RTLayoutGroup string is filled up.
ModifyFlags Integer Bit field combination indicating which properties to modify. 1 for the first argument, 2 for the second argument, 4 for the third argument, and so on.

See Also

GetShaderCompoundPortProperties SetShaderCompoundPropertiesEx GetShaderCompoundProperties EditShaderCompoundPPGLogic CreateShaderFromPreset CreateShadersFromMaterialPreset CreateShaderFromCLSID CreateShaderFromProgID CreateShaderCompound NestShaders UnnestShaders AddShaderCompoundPort RemoveShaderCompoundPort MoveShaderCompoundPort RenameShaderCompoundPort ExportShaderCompound ImportShaderCompound ExplodeShaderCompound