





Saves key frames on keyable parameters at a given frame. The tolerance argument can be used to merge all keys within a certain range. The range is defined as Frame - Tolerance and Frame + Tolerance. The merged key will inherit the constraints of the nearest key within this range.

Note: This command is very similiar to SaveKey with the only difference being the input objects and the list of parameters on which the keys are saved.

Scripting Syntax

SaveKeyOnKeyable( [InputObjs], [Time], [Value], [Tolerance], [Layer], [ModifiedOnly], [AutokeyScope] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String Object name (anything selectable)

Default Value: Currently selected objects

Time Number Key frames are set at this frame.

Default Value: Key frame

Value Number Key frame values

Default Value: Parameter values at current frame

Tolerance Double Frame tolerance

Default Value: Nearest 0.5 frame (-1)

Possible Values:


>0 Merge all keys between Frame - Tolerance and Frame + Tolerance
0 Key must be exactly at frame
-1 Nearest 0.5 frame
Layer Integer Animation layer to set keys on

Default Value: Current animation layer (-1)

ModifiedOnly Boolean If true keys will only be set for parameters that have been modified at the current frame

Default Value: False

AutokeyScope Integer Specifies whether keys will be set on all parameters or only those with existing fcurves or keys.

Default Value: All specified parameters (0)

Possible Values:


0 Key all specified parameters
1 Only key parameters that have an existing key at the given time
2 Only key parameters that have an existing fcurve


VBScript Example

CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"
Translate , -7.01063515498729, 5.25147709343595, -0.525147709343595, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
'Saves a key on all the keyable parameters on the currently selected object(s) at the current frame.

See Also

SaveKey SaveKeyOnMarkedKeyable