



Converts an implicit primitive to a geometry type.

Warning: The implicit primitives must be compatible with the geometry types.

Note: This command uses output arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript, PerlScript and Python) don't support arguments passed by reference. However, this command also returns an XSICollection containing the output arguments.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = SIConvert( Target, Source, CreatedObj, OutputObj );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection that contains the created converter Operator and the newly created geometric Primitive object wrapped in an XSICollection.


Parameter Type Description
Target String name of the output geometry

Possible Values:


MeshSurface Mesh surface geometry
NurbsSurface Nurbs curve geometry
NurbsCurve Nurbs curve geometry
Glyphs Output geometry type for use with implicit text
Source String Object to convert
CreatedObj Operator Returns the converter operator
OutputObj XSICollection containing the Primitive Returns the primitive.


VBScript Example

' This example shows how to convert an implicit sphere to a mesh sphere
NewScene , false
dim lCreated, oImplicitSphere
' Create implicit sphere
set oImplicitSphere = GetPrim("Sphere")
' Implicit sphere becomes a mesh.
' SIConvert returns more information than Convert.
' The return collection is consulted instead of the return parameters
' because it is more scripting language neutral.
set lCreated = SIConvert( "MeshSurface", oImplicitSphere )
'Log the following information:
'INFO : "2 elements in collection."
'INFO : "First object is an Operator"
'INFO : "Second object is an Object"
LogMessage lCreated.Count & " elements in collection."
LogMessage "First object is an " & typename( lCreated(0))
LogMessage "Second object is an " & typename( lCreated(1))

See Also
