



Remove the set of relative values at index from the interpolator-driven parameter or the interpolator object.

Scripting Syntax

RemoveRelativeValue( InputObj, Index );


Parameter Type Description
InputObj String Animated parameter that the interpolator is controlling or the interpolator itself

Default Value: Currently selected and marked parameter

Index Integer Index of the set of relative values to remove

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 < Index < NbRelativeValues Sets of relative values are indexed from 0 to (NbRelativeValues - 1)


VBScript Example

' This example shows how to remove a set of relative values in the Interpolator object.
NewScene, false
CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface"
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
SetExpr "cube.kine.local.posx", "l_interp(, )"
SetValue "cone.kine.local.posx", 1.5
SetValue "cone.kine.local.posy", 2
SetValue "cube.kine.local.posx", 2.5
SetRelativeValues "cube.kine.local.posx"
SetValue "cone.kine.local.posx", 3
SetValue "cone.kine.local.posy", 3.5
SetValue "cube.kine.local.posx", 4
SetRelativeValues "cube.kine.local.posx"
numKeys = GetNumRelativeValues( "cube.kine.local.Expression.Interpolator" )
Application.LogMessage "The Interpolator object has " & numKeys & " sets of relative values before calling RemoveRelativeValue"
' Remove relative values set #1
RemoveRelativeValue "cube.kine.local.Expression.Interpolator", 1
numKeys = GetNumRelativeValues( "cube.kine.local.Expression.Interpolator" )
Application.LogMessage "The Interpolator object has " & numKeys & " sets of relative values after calling RemoveRelativeValue"
for i = 0 to numKeys - 1
        Application.LogMessage "---------------------------"
        Application.LogMessage "Relative values set #" & i & ":"
        values = GetRelativeValue( "cube.kine.local.Expression.Interpolator", i )
        j = 0
        for each item in values
                if (j = 0) then
                        Application.LogMessage "Controlled value = " & item
                        Application.LogMessage "Controlling #" & j & " value = " & item
                end if
                j = j + 1
' INFO : The Interpolator object has 3 sets of relative values before calling RemoveRelativeValue
' INFO : The Interpolator object has 2 sets of relative values after calling RemoveRelativeValue
' INFO : ---------------------------
' INFO : Relative values set #0:
' INFO : Controlled value = 0
' INFO : Controlling #1 value = 0
' INFO : Controlling #2 value = 0
' INFO : ---------------------------
' INFO : Relative values set #1:
' INFO : Controlled value = 4
' INFO : Controlling #1 value = 3
' INFO : Controlling #2 value = 3.5

See Also

GetNumRelativeValues GetRelativeValue SetRelativeValues