





Removes a resolution to a referenced Model. A referenced model can have an unlimited number of resolutions. Each resolution has a name and a file.

Warning: If you try to remove the active resolution, the command raises an Invalid Argument error. You can activate a different resolution via the "Active Resolution" parameter on the referenced model.

Scripting Syntax

RemoveRefModelResolution( Model, ResolutionName, [Confirm] );


Parameter Type Description
Model String The model containing the resolution you want to remove.

Default Value: Current selection

ResolutionName String The name of the resolution.
Confirm Boolean This argument will indicate if you want to get a confirmation message before continuing with the resolution. This can be useful when writing scripts in order to avoid stopping the script.

Default Value: False


VBScript Example

'       This example illustrates how to add and remove resolutions on a reference model. It also demonstrates
'       how to navigate through the resolution information on a reference model (see the convenience functions
'       at the bottom of the example, especially GetAllResolutions).
' Import a referenced model.
NewScene , false
sModelPath =  XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), _
        "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Models", "ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl" )
ImportModel sModelPath, , true 
' Add a new resolution
set oRefModel = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Models.Item(0)
AddRefModelResolution oRefModel, "MyRes", sModelPath
' Now remove the original resolution
iTargetRes = GetResolutionIndexByName( oRefModel, "res1" )
if iTargetRes > -1 then
        iCurrentRes = oRefModel.NestedObjects("Active Resolution").Value
        if iCurrentRes = iTargetRes then
                ' Change the active resolution to the new one and remove the original
                oRefModel.NestedObjects("Active Resolution").Value = iTargetRes + 1
                RemoveRefModelResolution oRefModel, "res1", true 
        end if
        ' Display again the resolutions
        LogResolutions oRefModel 
end if
' Expected results:
' INFO : res0
' INFO :     file =  
' INFO :     name =  Offloaded
' INFO : res1
' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl
' INFO :     name =  res1
' INFO : res2
' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl
' INFO :     name =  MyRes
' INFO : res0
' INFO :     file =  
' INFO :     name =  Offloaded
' INFO : res1
' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl
' INFO :     name =  MyRes
'       These are convenience functions that do most of the work of navigating through
'       the resolutions information nested under each reference model. The resolutions 
'       info is never displayed in the UI, but you can think of its structure like so:
'               ReferenceModel (model)
'                       - Resolutions (special container)
'                               - res0 (compound parameter)
'                                       - File parameter (eg., "<installationpath>/Data/XSI_SAMPLES/Models/ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl")
'                                       - Name parameter (eg., "MyRes")
'                               + res1
'                                 ...
'                               + resN
'       In order to access this info you need to use the SIObject.NestedObjects property
'       on the ReferenceModel, the Resolutions container, and then each resolution parameter.
function GetAllResolutions( in_oRefModel )
        for each oCurrentContainer in in_oRefModel.NestedObjects
                if oCurrentContainer.Name = "Resolutions" then
                        set GetAllResolutions = oCurrentContainer.NestedObjects
                        exit function
                end if
end function
'       Logs the file and name values of each resolution to history
sub LogResolutions( in_oRefModel )
        ' Visit each resolution and find its name and file info
        set oResolutions = GetAllResolutions( in_oRefModel )
        for each oResolutionParameter in oResolutions 
                Application.LogMessage oResolutionParameter.Name 
                ' The file and name parameters are nested under the compound resolution parameter
                for each oResInfoParam in oResolutionParameter.NestedObjects
                        Application.LogMessage "    " & oResInfoParam.Name & " =  " & oResInfoParam.Value 
end sub
'       Returns the index number of the resolution given its name
function GetResolutionIndexByName( in_oModel, in_sResName )
        ' Visit each resolution and check its name against the specified name
        set oResolutions = GetAllResolutions( in_oModel )
        for i=0 to oResolutions.Count
                set oResolutionParameter = oResolutions(i)
                if oResolutionParameter.NestedObjects("name").Value = in_sResName then
                        GetResolutionIndexByName = i
                        exit function
                end if
        ' If not found, return a negative value
        GetResolutionIndexByName = -1
end function

See Also
