Plots the shapes for objects with shape animations.
Note: This command uses output
arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript,
PerlScript and Python) don't support arguments passed by reference
so you need to use the best workaround for your situation:
For scripting languages this command returns an ISIVTCollection which you can
use to get the output arguments.
For C# you can use the XSIApplication.ExecuteCommand
method to call this command. ExecuteCommand packs the output
arguments into a C# System.Object containing an Array of the output arguments (see
Commands from C#).
PlotShape( [InputObj], [Name], [StartFrame], [EndFrame], [StepFrame], [ApplyKeys], [Mode], [Content], [RefMode], [SingleSource], [KeyList], [ClipList] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputObj | String | List of objects whose
shapes are plotted.
Default Value: Current Selection |
Name | String | Prefix for shape source names. |
StartFrame | Double | First frame to plot |
EndFrame | Double | Last frame to plot |
StepFrame | Double | Step between each keys |
ApplyKeys | Boolean | True to apply the plotted keys to the object |
Mode | siShapeInstanceMode | Determines how the shape is to be instantiated.
Default Value: siShapeBlendedWeightMode |
Content | siShapeContent | Determines which deformations should get stored in the shape.
Default Value: siShapeContentUseConstructionMode |
RefMode | siShapeReferenceMode | The reference mode of the shape key created
Default Value: siShapeLocalReferenceMode |
SingleSource | Boolean | If true, the deformation will be stored into a single shape
Default Value: True |
KeyList | XSICollection | List of created shape keys |
ClipList | XSICollection | List of created shape clips |
' ' This example creates an animated deformation (twist on a torus). ' Then, it replaces the animation by 4 shapes, placed at regular ' intervals. The twist op is completely replaced by shapes, ' with a similar result. ' ' The shapes created by the plotting operation are written to the log. ' ' Set up a twist deformation on a torus NewScene , false CreatePrim "Torus", "MeshSurface" SetValue "torus.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 24 SetValue "torus.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 40 SetValue "torus.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 24 ApplyOp "Twist", "torus", 3, siPersistentOperation SaveKey "torus.polymsh.twistop.angle", 1, 90 SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 50 SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 50 SetValue "torus.polymsh.twistop.angle", -90 SaveKey "torus.polymsh.twistop.angle", 50, -90 SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 1 ' Plot the animation in shapes, from frame 0 to 50, in steps of 10 frames Dim CreatedClips, CreatedShapes PlotShape "torus", "twisted", 1, 50, 10, True, siShapeMixedWeightMode, siShapeContentAllDeforms, _ siShapeAbsoluteReferenceMode, false, CreatedShapes, CreatedClips ' We can now delete the twist, and we will still have a similar result from the 5 shapes DeleteObj "torus.polymsh.twistop" for i = 0 to CreatedClips.Count-1 Application.LogMessage "Created shape: " & CreatedShapes(i) next 'This example outputs the following information to the Script Editor in Softimage: ' ''INFO : Created shape: torus.polymsh.cls.twisted.twisted1 'INFO : Created shape: torus.polymsh.cls.twisted.twisted2 'INFO : Created shape: torus.polymsh.cls.twisted.twisted3 'INFO : Created shape: torus.polymsh.cls.twisted.twisted4 'INFO : Created shape: torus.polymsh.cls.twisted.twisted5 |