





Prompts the user to pick a 3D position.

Note: This command uses output arguments. C# and some scripting languages (such as JScript, PerlScript and Python) don't support arguments passed by reference so you need to use the best workaround for your situation:

For scripting languages this command returns an ISIVTCollection which you can use to get the output arguments.

For C# you can use the XSIApplication.ExecuteCommand method to call this command. ExecuteCommand packs the output arguments into a C# System.Object containing an Array of the output arguments (see Calling Commands from C#).

Scripting Syntax

PickPosition( LeftMessage, MiddleMessage, [PosX], [PosY], [PosZ], [ButtonPressed] );


Parameter Type Description
LeftMessage String Status bar message for the left mouse button
MiddleMessage String Status bar message for the middle mouse button.
PosX Float Returns the X coordinate of the picked postion.
PosY Float Returns the Y coordinate of the picked postion.
PosZ Float Returns the Z coordinate of the picked postion.
ButtonPressed Integer Returns the mouse button pressed by the user.

Possible Values:


0 Right button or ESC key pressed (picking was aborted)
1 Left button pressed
2 Middle button pressed