





Moves an operator up, down, or to the top of the specified object's operator stack.

Scripting Syntax

MoveOperator( Object, OperatorToMove, MoveAction, [OperatorReference], [MoveDirection] );


Parameter Type Description
Object String Specifies the object to be modified
OperatorToMove String Specifies the operator to be moved
MoveAction Integer Specifies where the operator will be moved: on top, or before/after the reference operator.

Note: Operators writing to the object cannot be moved on top (top is read only).

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Move to the top of the operator stack, above all operators.
1 Move just before the reference operator.
2 Move just after the reference operator.
OperatorReference String Specifies the reference operator. This parameter is ignored if MoveTargetType=0.
MoveDirection Integer Specifies which direction the operator is allowed to move: up, down, or in any direction within the object's operator stack.

Default Value: 0

Possible Values:


0 Move the operator in any operator stack direction, up or down.
1 Move the operator only upward in the operator stack.
2 Move the operator only downward in the operator stack.


JScript Example

        This JScript example creates several operators and then moves
        them in the stack using the several options of MoveOperator.
NewScene(null, null);
Sphere = CreatePrim("Sphere", "MeshSurface", null, null);
//Generate a subdivided sphere from this one
MeshSubdivideWithCenter(null, "sphere", null, siPersistentOperation, siKeepGenOpInputs);
GeneratorOp = GetValue("polymsh.polymsh.MeshSubdivideWithCenter");
//Create a twist operator in modeling construction mode
TwistOp = ApplyOp("Twist", Sphere, 3, siPersistentOperation, null, 0);
//Create a bend operator in animation construction mode
BendOp = ApplyOp("Bend", Sphere, 3, siPersistentOperation, null, 2);
SpherePrim = Sphere.ActivePrimitive;
//Move the twist operator after the bend operator.
//If we restrict the movement to "downward" only, it will do nothing,
//since the bendop is over the twistop in the stack:
MoveOperator(SpherePrim, TwistOp, 2 /*after*/, BendOp, 2/*downward only*/);
//If we restrict the movement to "upward", however, it is fine:
MoveOperator(SpherePrim, TwistOp, 2 /*after*/, BendOp, 1/*upward only*/);
//Move the generator at the top of the stack, so the 
//generated object inherits from deforms that are in the
//animation region of the input sphere:
MoveOperator(SpherePrim, GeneratorOp, 0 /*on top*/, "", 0/*any direction*/);

See Also

MoveOperatorBefore MoveOperatorAfter ChangeGeneratorInputReadPosition