



character rigging


The hip is a hip-shaped nurbs curve. It is defined by one guide object used as the global pose of the hip, a point defining the top of the hip (where the spine connects to the hip) and another point defining where the left leg socket should be positioned.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = MakeHip( GuideObj, [TopX], [TopY], [TopZ], [SideX], [SideY], [SideZ] );

Return Value

Returns the X3DObject of the hip nurbs curve.


Parameter Type Description
GuideObj String The hip will take on the global pose of this object. If no guide object is provided a pick session will start.
TopX Double The X coordinate for the top position of the hip, where the spine would connect to the hip.

Default Value: 0.0

TopY Double The Y coordinate for the top position of the hip, where the spine would connect to the hip.

Default Value: 1.0

TopZ Double The Z coordinate for the top position of the hip, where the spine would connect to the hip.

Default Value: 0.0

SideX Double The X coordinate for the side position of the hip, where the left leg hip socket would be.

Default Value: 1.0

SideY Double The Y coordinate for the side position of the hip, where the left leg hip socket would be.

Default Value: 0.0

SideZ Double The Z coordinate for the side position of the hip, where the left leg hip socket would be.

Default Value: 0.0


JScript Example

// Create and position the hip
var guide = GetPrim("Null", "Guide_Hip") 
var hip = MakeHip(
        0,3,-1.5,       //top  XYZ
        4,0,0           //side XYZ
//results of running this script: 
//INFO : crvlist

See Also
