



operator deformation


Prevents modifying the envelope weights of the specified points.

The effect of an envelope deformation is controlled by a weight mapping. You can modify these envelope weights with painting, smoothing, or numerical edition tools. This command allows you to block weights for some deformers to be modified either directly or indirectly through normalization.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = LockEnvelopePointWeights( PropObj, [SubComp], [Locked] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection that contains the new operator that applies the locking.


Parameter Type Description
PropObj String Envelope weights property for which we want to lock the weights.
SubComp String List of points or cluster to be locked.

Default Value: Current selection

Locked Boolean Should these deformers be locked (otherwise unlocked).

Default Value: True


VBScript Example

' This simple example illustrates how locking envelope point weights
' can be used to protect your weighting work on parts of the
' an object
' We start with a simple cylinder enveloped to a 6 bone chain
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
SetValue "cylinder.cylinder.height", 10
SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.geom.subdivv", 20
SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.geom.subdivu", 16
Create2DSkeleton 1.97818728045807E-02, 5.04656031338284, 0, 0.81105678498785, 3.66123003127775, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4
AppendBone "eff", 0.890184276206176, 1.91967196234563, 0
AppendBone "eff", 0.969311767424504, 0.257275623819517, 0
AppendBone "eff", 1.00887551303367, -1.76134850153362, 0
AppendBone "eff", 0.969311767424504, -3.18625964884171, 0
AppendBone "eff", 1.97818728045807E-02, -4.96739858297683, 0
SelectObj "cylinder", , True
ApplyFlexEnv "cylinder;bone,bone1,bone2,bone3,bone4,bone5,eff", False, 0
' We reassign some points to the first bone
LocalAssignFlexEnv "cylinder.pnt[1,21-24,44-47,67-70,90-93,113-116,136-139,159-162,182-185,205-208,228-231,251-254,274-277,297-300,320-323,343-346,366-LAST]", "cylinder;bone"
' We reassign some points to the second bone
LocalAssignFlexEnv "cylinder.pnt[18,19,41,42,64,65,87,88,110,111,133,134,156,157,179,180,202,203,225,226,248,249,271,272,294,295,317,318,340,341,363,364]", "cylinder;bone1"
' We reassign some intermediate point to both bones
LocalAssignFlexEnv "cylinder.pnt[20,43,66,89,112,135,158,181,204,227,250,273,296,319,342,365]", "cylinder;bone,bone1"
' Now let's assume that the weighting for those bones is what
' we want. To protect it from unexpectedly modifying it later on
' we lock the weights.
LockEnvelopePointWeights , "cylinder.pnt[1,18-24,41-47,64-70,87-93,110-116,133-139,156-162,179-185,202-208,225-231,248-254,271-277,294-300,317-323,340-346,363-LAST]", True
' We continue the assignment of some points to the third bone
LocalAssignFlexEnv "cylinder.pnt[15,16,38,39,61,62,84,85,107,108,130,131,153,154,176,177,199,200,222,223,245,246,268,269,291,292,314,315,337,338,360,361]", "cylinder;bone2"
' Similarily we reassign some points to the second and third bone
LocalAssignFlexEnv "cylinder.pnt[17,40,63,86,109,132,155,178,201,224,247,270,293,316,339,362]", "cylinder;bone1,bone2"
' We smooth the weights for some points selected
SISmoothEnvWght , "cylinder.pnt[16-18,39-41,62-64,85-87,108-110,131-133,154-156,177-179,200-202,223-225,246-248,269-271,292-294,315-317,338-340,361-363]"
SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights.smoothenvelopeweight.neighborhooddepth", 3
SetValue "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights.smoothenvelopeweight.profilescaling", 14.681
' Inadvertently, we selected some points that which weights we didn't want
' to modify. However, since we had locked their weights remain
' intact.
' Now I can modify some locked weights by unlocking them first.
LockEnvelopePointWeights , "cylinder.pnt[1,22-24,45-47,68-70,91-93,114-116,137-139,160-162,183-185,206-208,229-231,252-254,275-277,298-300,321-323,344-346,367-LAST]", False
SIModifyFlexEnvWght "cylinder.polymsh.cls.EnvelopWeightCls.Envelope_Weights", "bone1", "cylinder.pnt[1,22-24,45-47,68-70,91-93,114-116,137-139,160-162,183-185,206-208,229-231,252-254,275-277,298-300,321-323,344-346,367-LAST]", 1, 10
' I can also unlock all weights in order to weight freely.
ClearEnvelopeWeightLocks "cylinder"

See Also

SIApplyFlexEnv LockEnvelopeDeformerWeights LockEnvelopeWeights ClearEnvelopeWeightLocks SIModifyFlexEnvWght Envelope