



Launches a new flipbook. This is the scripting equivalent of clicking the Flipbook button on the Render toolbar. Options can also be combined.

A flipbook is a standalone tool that plays a sequence of cached images.

Scripting Syntax

Flipbook( [CmdLine] );


Parameter Type Description
CmdLine String Command line options to pass to the flipbook.

Default Value: ""

Possible Values:


-h Display the syntax of the command.
-i . Load a single image.
-s . Load the given sequence, or a single image if start/end sequence numbers are omitted.
-p Specify the padding of the sequence in the form "(fn)#.(ext)" (default)

where fn is the base name, ext the extension and # the frame number.

Example: (fn)####.(ext) for a sequence like walk0001.tif.
-r Reduce the image size on load to save memory.

Typical values: 2 or 4.
-z Enlarge the image size on display.

Typical values: 2 or 4.
-d Get images as needed instead of keeping them in memory.
-m Preload the sequence in memory before playing.
-L Limit memory usage by the specified number of megabytes.
-t Skip frames as needed to play back in real time instead of playing all frames.


1. VBScript Example

' A flipbook window and a selection image window pops up when you type
' the following command:

2. VBScript Example

' This example shows how to open the flipbook automatically with the images
' scaled to 50% of original size horizontally and vertically:
Flipbook "-r 2"

3. VBScript Example

' This example shows how to cache images in memory before playing, which is
' good for maintaining constant frame rate:
Flipbook "-m"

4. VBScript Example

' This example shows how to open the flipbook with memory caching enabled,
' frame skipping for realtime playback, and a set upper limit of 200Mb for
' memory caching:
flipbook "-m -t -L 200"

See Also

CaptureViewport Flipbook Attributes