





Filters a list of property sets to produce a list that includes or excludes all the property sets complying with a specified parent-child relationship.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = FilterPSet( [InputObjs], [Relationship], [Include] );

Return Value

Returns an XSICollection object that contains the filtered list.


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of property sets.

Default Value: Current selection

Relationship siPSetRelationship Relationship to filter on.

Default Value: siContainedPSet

Include Boolean True to include (False to exclude) property sets that match the relationship.

Default Value: True


1. VBScript Example

' create objects for example
CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface"
' test the pset relationship of visibility, display and material properties
set psets = FilterPSet( "Camera_Interest.visibility", siLocalPSet, True )
if TypeName( psets ) <> "Nothing" then
        LogMessage "Camera_Interest.visibility property is local."
        LogMessage "Camera_Interest.visibility property is shared."
end if
set psets = FilterPSet( "Camera_Interest.display", siSharedPSet, True )
if TypeName( psets ) <> "Nothing" then
        LogMessage "Camera_Interest.display property is shared."
        LogMessage "Camera_Interest.display property is local."
end if
set psets = FilterPSet( "cone.Scene_Material", siSharedPSet, True )
if TypeName( psets ) <> "Nothing" then
        LogMessage "cone.Scene_Material is inherited."
        LogMessage "cone.Scene_Material is local."
end if 
'INFO : "Camera_Interest.visibility property is local."
'INFO : "Camera_Interest.display property is shared."
'INFO : "cone.Scene_Material is inherited."

2. VBScript Example

' Is the camera interest display property a local property set of its parent?
set l_PSets = FilterPSet( "Camera_Interest.display", siLocalPSet )
if TypeName( l_PSets ) <> "Nothing" then
LogMessage "Camera_Interest.display is a local property set."
LogMessage "Camera_Interest.display is an inherited property set."
end if
' The following message will be logged:
'    'INFO : "Camera_Interest.display is an inherited property set."
' Create a cone and select its material.
set MyCone = CreatePrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )
SelectObj MyCone.Material
' Is the selected cone material an inherited property set?
set l_PSets = FilterPSet( , siSharedPSet )
if TypeName( l_PSets ) <> "Nothing" then
LogMessage "The cone material is an inherited property set."
LogMessage "The cone material is a local property set."
end if
' The following message will be logged:
'    'INFO : "The cone material is an inherited property set."
' Create a grid.
CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"
' List all the inherited property sets of the grid.
set l_PSets = FilterPSet( "grid.*", siSharedPset )
if TypeName( l_PSets ) <> "Nothing" then
        LogMessage "Inherited property sets of the grid:"
        for each p in l_Psets
                LogMessage "   " &
        LogMessage "No shared PSets"
end if
' The following message will be logged:
'    'INFO : "Inherited property sets of the grid:"
'    'INFO : "   Ambient Lighting"
'    'INFO : "   Scene_Material"
'    'INFO : "   Geometry Approximation"
'    'INFO : "   Display"

See Also
