Creates a UserDataMap cluster property for holding user data.
oReturn = CreateUserDataMap( [InputObj], [PropertyName], [Template] ); |
Returns a collection of the newly created properties. If no clusters are specified in the InputObjs argument the returned collection will be empty.
Parameter | Type | Description |
InputObj | String | A cluster or a list of
clusters to create user data on
Default Value: Current selection |
PropertyName | String | Name of the user data property. To clearly identify the
property and to avoid conflict with other plugins, it is
recommended that the name reflects the plugin or author of the
Default Value: "UserData" |
Template | CustomProperty | Name of the a custom property that will serve as the template for the contents of the user data map. This argument is not necessary if the user data map will be used for storing binary data. |
'This vbscript example demonstrates how you can create user data maps on seperate 'clusters with a single call to CreateUserDataMap dim oRoot, oCircle, oCluster1, oCluster2, oCluster3, l_ClusterList, oUserDataMapList, oUserDataMap set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root set oCircle = oRoot.AddGeometry("Circle","NurbsCurve") set oCluster1 = oCircle.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siIsoPointCluster ) set oCluster2 = oCircle.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siVertexCluster,"PntCluster",Array(1,4,7,10,13,16) ) set oCluster3 = oCircle.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siKnotCluster ) 'Build a list of clusters, similar to what happens is you select multiple clusters '(the duplicates will be filtered out) set l_ClusterList = CreateObject("XSI.Collection") l_ClusterList.Add oCluster1 l_ClusterList.Add oCluster2 l_ClusterList.Add oCluster3 l_ClusterList.Add oCluster1 set oUserDataMapList = CreateUserDataMap( l_ClusterList, "MultiCreatedUserData" ) 'We can get at the individual object in the collection 'by iterating like this: for each oUserDataMap in oUserDataMapList logmessage oUserDataMap.FullName next 'Output of this script is something like: 'INFO : "circle1.crvlist.cls.Isopoint.MultiCreatedUserData" 'INFO : "circle1.crvlist.cls.PntCluster.MultiCreatedUserData" 'INFO : "circle1.crvlist.cls.knot.clslist.Knot.MultiCreatedUserData" |
'This vbscript example demonstrates creating a templated User Data Map using CreateUserDataMap option explicit dim oRoot, oObj, oCluster, oPSet, oUserDataMap set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root set oObj = oRoot.AddGeometry("Grid","MeshSurface") set oCluster = oObj.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( siPolygonCluster, "UserDataCls" ) 'Create a custom parameter that will serve as the template. In this case we 'choose to create it underneath the object, but we could create it elsewhere if we like set oPSet = oObj.AddProperty( "Custom_parameter_list",,"MyDataFormat" ) oPSet.AddParameter "MyFlag", siBool,,,,,, true oPSet.AddParameter "Z", siUInt4,,,,,, 100, 0, 1000 set oUserDataMap = CreateUserDataMap( oCluster, "UserData", oPSet ).Item( 0 ) logmessage "Name of template for " & oUserDataMap.FullName & " is " & oUserDataMap.Template.FullName 'Output of this script is the following: 'INFO : "Name of template for grid.polymsh.cls.UserDataCls.UserData is grid.MyDataFormat" |