



Creates an instance of an ICENode wizard you can use to generate self-installing ICENode plug-ins. The resulting wizard is a CustomProperty nested under the SDK wizard model which itself resides under the scene root.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = CreateICENodeWizard( [DestinationDir], [ICENodeTypeName] );

Return Value

Newly created ICENode wizard as a CustomProperty object.


Parameter Type Description
DestinationDir String The destination folder for the plug-in to generate.

Default Value: If no destination folder is specified, the wizard property will be created in the user path.

ICENodeTypeName String The name which uniquely identifies the type of the new custom ICENode object. This eventually becomes the name of the custom ICENode. It can also be specified using 'nodewiz.ICENodeName = "XYZNode";' instead, as the example below demonstrates.

Note: This is different from the ICENode instance name which is only specified at creation time. For example, if you added two instances of the XYZNode type of ICENode to your ICE tree, one will appear as "XYZNode" in the explorer, and the other will appear as "XYZNode[1]".

Default Value: MyCustomICENode


JScript Example

        This example demonstrates how to create an ICENode wizard using 
        the CreateICENodeWizard command and then generate a very simple 
        custom ICENode using the new wizard.
var nodewiz = CreateICENodeWizard();
nodewiz.ICENodeType = "XYZNode";
nodewiz.CodingLanguage = "Cpp";
nodewiz.ICENodeCategory = "XYZ ICENode"
nodewiz.InitCB = true;
// Generate one input port
nodewiz.InPortName = "in"
nodewiz.InPortDataType = "siICENodeDataFloat";
nodewiz.InPortStructType = "siICENodeStructureSingle";
nodewiz.InPortContextType = "siICENodeContextAny";
nodewiz.InPortGroupID = 101;
// Generate one output port
nodewiz.OutPortName = "out"
nodewiz.OutPortDataType = "siICENodeDataFloat";
nodewiz.OutPortStructType = "siICENodeStructureSingle";
nodewiz.OutPortContextType = "siICENodeContextAny";
// Generates the XYZNode implementation and plug-in

See Also

GenerateICENodePlugin AddInputPortToICENodeWizard AddOutputPortToICENodeWizard ICENode Wizard help CreateCommandWizard CreatePropertyWizard CreateEventWizard CreateFilterWizard CreateOperatorWizard