



Copies the shape key to the specified clusters. The clusters must be of the same size and ordered similarily as the shape key.

Scripting Syntax

CopyShape( [Source], [Target] );


Parameter Type Description
Source String Cluster key or shape action to copy
Target String List of targets where the cluster will be copied (3DObjects, primitives, cluster containers)


VBScript Example

' This example first creates a sphere deformed by a shape on a point cluster.
' Then, it creates a second sphere, and copies the shape from the first sphere
' to  a corresponding point cluster.
' Create 2 spheres: source (orig) and target (dupe)
NewScene , false
set orig = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
set dupe = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
Translate orig, 9, 0, 0, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
' Create a shape key on a point cluster
set cls1 = CreateCluster( orig & ".pnt[38-42,45-49]" )(0)
Translate cls1, 1, 3, -3, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ
set shapeclp = SaveShapeKey( cls1,,, 1,,,, 1, siShapeLocalReferenceMode )
set shapesrc = shapeclp.MappedItems(0).Source2
' Create the corresponding target point cluster
set cls2 = CreateCluster( dupe & ".pnt[38-42,45-49]" )(0)
' Copy the shape to the target object, and apply the shape
CopyShape shapesrc, cls2
set copiedsrc = dupe.Model.Sources( dupe.Model.Sources.Count-1 )
ApplyShapeKey copiedsrc, , , 1
' Results: Both spheres display the same point extrusion