Animation Editor Attributes



View attributes for the Animation Editor (see View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue). Not all attributes support both setting and getting. Check the third column in the table.

Note See ViewAttributes for a complete list of types of attributes that you can use when customizing your Relational Views.
Attribute Name Description Supports
targetcontent The name of the object for which to display the animated parameters. If the view is driven by a relationship, this content can be replaced dynamically. You can also control this attribute programmatically even if the view is not driven.

Possible Values:


<any eligible scene object> The SIObject.Name of an object with animated parameters.
View.SetAttributeValue only.
viewer The viewer to display in the animation editor when it is opened. When you open the Animation Editor the list of parameters is scanned and the "default" editor for those parameters is opened. So if you have a single parameter with an expression then the Expression Editor is opened. However, if there is a mix of expressions and fcurves then the FCurve Editor is opened.

Possible Values:


FCurve Editor Load the FCurve Editor in the editor.
DopeSheet Load the DopeSheet in the editor.
Expression Editor Load the Expression Editor in the editor.
Scripted Operator Editor Load the Scripted Operator Editor in the editor.
View.SetAttributeValue only.
drivingaction Determines or not whether the animation editor will display only the parameters that are driven by an action clip at the current frame.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Display parameters whether driven or not. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display only driven parameters. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
animatedparamsonly Determines whether or not the animation editor will display only the element's animated parameters and their associated fcurves in the graph.

Possible Values:


'false' No restrictions on displaying animated parameter. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' (Default) Display only the element's animated parameters and fcurves. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
keyableparamsonly Determines whether or not the animation editor will display only the element's keyable parameters as defined in the keyable parameters editor.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) No restrictions on displaying keyable parameters. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display only the element's keyable parameters. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
filterpreset Determines what kind of parameters will be displayed. See the siATFilterPreset enum for the list of valid values. View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
taggedparameters Determines which tagged parameters for the elements and their associated fcurves will be displayed. This is the scripting equivalent of changing the selection in the Explorer->Parameter Filters->Tagged Parameters menu. This is a kind of a string mask, so to set the value, you can pass a pipe-delimited ('|') list of options or specify a single value from the siATFilterTaggedParameters enum. For example:
// Show only tagged 1 parameters
myView.SetAttributeValue("TaggedParameters", siATFilterTagged1); 

// Show tagged 3, 4 and 5 parameters
myView.SetAttributeValue("TaggedParameters", "Tag3|Tag4|Tag5");
If the siATFilterTaggedAll value is passed to the View.SetAttributeValue method, any other values will be ignored.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
activationparamsonly Determines whether or not the animation editor will display only the element's active or mute parameters.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) No restrictions on displaying Active or Mute parameters. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display only the element's Active or Mute parameters. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
markedparamsonly Determines whether or not the animation editor will display only the marked parameters for the elements and their associated function curves.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) No restrictions on displaying marked parameters. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display only the marked parameters. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
trackselection Determines whether or not the animation explorer will automatically scroll to ensure that the node of the first selected elements is always visible.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Disable automatic scrolling. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Enable automatic scrolling. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
decomposebranchsel Determines whether the animation explorer will display the children, grandchildren, and other descendents of a branch-selected object as top-level nodes or as a nested hierarchy.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Display as nested hierarchy. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display hierarchy as top-level nodes. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
localpropsonly Determines whether the animation explorer will display only the properties that have been applied directly to an object or all properties, no matter how they are propagated.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Display all properties. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Display the properties that have been applied directly to an object. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
lockedparams Determines whether or not the animation explorer will display the locked parameters.

Possible Values:


'false' Locked parameters will not be visible. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' (Default) Display the locked parameters. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
flattenstate Controls how the hierarchy appears when the animation editor opens.

Possible Values:


'None' Displays the entire hierarchy.
'Parameters' Appears without intermediate nodes and with renamed nodes at the ends of branches. For example, Global Transform > Pos > X node appears as Global Transform > Pos.X.
'All' (Default) Displays parameters in a flat list, hiding intermediate nodes (properties, primitives, materials, etc.). For example, Global Transform > Pos > X node is shortened to Global Transform.Pos.X.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
colorcoding Determines whether or not the animation explorer will display different types of nodes in different colors.

Possible Values:


'false' No color coding for type. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' (Default) Indicates node type by color. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
scriptnames Determines whether the animation explorer will use the script name instead of regular name for node labels.

See the View.BeginEdit method for an example using this attribute.

Possible Values:


'false' Use the regular name. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' (Default) Use the script name. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
parametervalues Determines whether or not the animation explorer will display the values of any and all selected parameters.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Do not display values. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Parameter values will appear next to the parameter name. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
parametersort Sorts parameters according to the specified criteria.

Possible Values:


'None' Uses the order based on when an element was created or parented.
'Alphabetical' (Default) Sorts the parameters alphabetically. Any numeric suffix is sorted in correct numerical order, so Param2 comes before Param10.
'Layout' Uses the order in which the parameters appear in their property editor. If a parameter does not appear in the corresponding property editor, it is not listed.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
lock This attribute controls the lock state of the animation explorer.

Possible Values:


'true' Lock the animation explorer. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
'false' Unlock the animation explorer. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
snaptogrid Determines whether or not the animation editor will use the snap-to-grid feature.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the view area (right panel) is the fcurve graph.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Do not use snap-to-grid feature. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Use the snap-to-grid feature. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
snaptoframe Determines whether or not the animation editor will use the snap-to-frame feature.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the view area (right panel) is the fcurve graph.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Do not use snap-to-frame feature. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' Use the snap-to-frame feature. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
snapslopes Determines whether or not the slope handles on key points will snap when manipulated.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the view area (right panel) is the fcurve graph.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) No snapping on slope handles. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' The slope handles on key points will snap when manipulated. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.
autosnaptoframes Determines whether the keys will be kept on frames when scaling regions or not.

Note: This attribute is only effective if the view area (right panel) is the fcurve graph or the dopesheet.

Possible Values:


'false' (Default) Keys will not be snapped to frames. Note: Use the string "false", not the binary false.
'true' The keys will be kept on frames when scaling regions. Note: Use the string "true", not the binary true.
View.GetAttributeValue and View.SetAttributeValue.