Project Selector

This plug-in demonstrates how to use the change project event (siOnChangeProject) in JScript and C#. The plug-in property page lists 3 projects you can select through a radio button control. When a new selected project is activated, the siOnChangeProject event callback activates a new layout according to the activated project.

Example Files


Running the Example

To run the JScript example

  • From the Project Selector menu located in the main menu bar, click Launch Project Selector. The Project Selector PPG opens. You can select one of the project below:
    • Default: Creates/activates a default project in the user folder and activates the default Softimage layout.
    • Animation: Creates/activates an animation project in the user folder and activates the Dual - Animation Softimage layout. 
    • Compositing: Creates/activates a compositing project in the user folder and activates the Dual - Compositing Softimage layout.

To run the C# example

  • From the CSProjectSelector_Menu menu located in the main menu bar, click Launch C# Project Selector. The Project Selector PPG opens. You can select one of the project below:
    • Default: Creates/activates a default project in the user folder and activates the default Softimage layout.
    • Animation: Creates/activates an animation project in the user folder and activates the Dual - Animation Softimage layout. 
    • Compositing: Creates/activates a compositing project in the user folder and activates the Dual - Compositing Softimage layout.

Building the C# Project Selector Example

Softimage SDK includes a compiled version of C# Project Selector. If you want to modify the code, you can rebuild the example by following these instructions.

To build the example on Windows

  1. Open an Softimage command prompt, and type devenv to start Visual Studio .NET.

    Starting Visual Studio .NET from an Softimage command prompt ensures that environment variables such as XSI_HOME are set (otherwise you'll get build and link errors).

    Tip To load the CSProjectSelector project from the command line, type:

    devenv cssrc\CSProjectSelector.csproj
  2. In Visual Studio .NET, open the project file .csproj.
  3. Select a configuration (Release or Debug) and build the DLL.


This example uses the following keywords:

JScript, RegisterEvent, siOnChangeProject, Project, ActivePRoject, Layout, ActiveLayout.