Makes a referenced model local.
Tip: To optimize this command, make sure the Default_Pass is
activated and there are no overrides on partitions. When overrides
are active, it runs much more slowly.
MakeModelLocal( [Model], [IncludeNestedRefModels], [MaterialConflictAction] ); |
Parameter | Type | Description |
Model | String | The models to make local. |
IncludeNestedRefModels | Boolean | True to include nested referenced models.
Default Value: true |
MaterialConflictAction | siMaterialConflictAction | Action to perform when the referenced materials to make local
are detected in the target material library.
Default Value:
siDefaultAction |
/* This example shows how to make a referenced model local. */ NewScene(null, false); // First create a simple model containing a sphere var sph = CreatePrim("Sphere", "MeshSurface"); var mdl = CreateModel(sph, "LocalModel")(0); var mymodelpath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), "Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Models", "mymodel.emdl" ); Application.LogMessage(Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Models.GetAsText()); // INFO : LocalModel // Export it and then reimport it as a referenced model ExportModel(mdl, mymodelpath); SelectObj(mdl, "BRANCH") // models must be branch-selected when deleting DeleteObj(); Application.LogMessage(Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Models.GetAsText()); // INFO : var rtn = ImportModel(mymodelpath, null, true); mdl = rtn.Value("Value"); // Now make it local MakeModelLocal(mdl); Application.LogMessage(Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Models.GetAsText()); // INFO : mymodel |