//- // ========================================================================== // Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk // license agreement provided at the time of installation or download, // or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic // or hard copy form. // ========================================================================== //+ // DISCLAIMER: THIS PLUGIN IS PROVIDED AS IS. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY // AUTODESK, SO PLEASE USE AND MODIFY AT YOUR OWN RISK. // // PLUGIN NAME: pointOnMeshInfo v1.0 // FILE: pointOnMeshCmd.h // DESCRIPTION: -Class declaration for `pointOnMesh` MEL command. // -Please see readme.txt for full details. // AUTHOR: QT // REFERENCES: -This plugin is based off of the `pointOnSurface` MEL command and "pointOnSurfaceInfo" node. // -The pointOnSubdNode.cpp plugin example from the Maya API Devkit was also used for reference. // -The MEL script AEpointOnSurfaceInfoTemplate.mel was referred to for the AE template MEL script // that accompanies the pointOnMeshInfo node. // LAST UPDATED: Oct. 11th, 2001. // COMPILED AND TESTED ON: Maya 4.0 on Windows // HEADER FILES: #include <maya/MGlobal.h> #include <maya/MPxCommand.h> #include <maya/MArgList.h> #include <maya/MString.h> #include <maya/MPlug.h> #include <maya/MSelectionList.h> #include <maya/MDoubleArray.h> // MAIN CLASS DECLARATION FOR THE MEL COMMAND: class pointOnMeshCommand : public MPxCommand { public: pointOnMeshCommand(); virtual ~pointOnMeshCommand(); static void* creator(); bool isUndoable() const; MStatus doIt(const MArgList&); MStatus redoIt(); MStatus undoIt(); private: bool nodeCreated, positionSpecified, normalSpecified, faceIndexSpecified, relativeSpecified, parameterUSpecified, parameterVSpecified; MString meshNodeName, pointOnMeshInfoName; int faceIndex; bool relative; double parameterU, parameterV; };