
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
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#ifndef _splitUVCmd
#define _splitUVCmd
// File: splitUVCmd.h
// MEL Command: splitUV
// Author: Lonnie Li
// Overview:
//      The purpose of the splitUV command is to unshare (split) any selected UVs
//      on a given object.
// How it works:
//      This command is based on the polyModifierCmd. It relies on the polyModifierCmd
//      to manage "how" the effects of the splitUV operation are applied (ie. directly
//      on the mesh or through a modifier node). See polyModifierCmd.h for more details
//      To understand the algorithm behind the splitUV operation, refer to splitUVFty.h.
// Limitations:
//      (1) Can only operate on a single mesh at a given time. If there are more than one
//          mesh with selected UVs, only the first mesh found in the selection list is
//          operated on.

#include "polyModifierCmd.h"
#include "splitUVFty.h"

// Function Sets
#include <maya/MFnComponentListData.h>

// Forward Class Declarations
class MArgList;

class splitUV : public polyModifierCmd

    // Public Methods //

    virtual     ~splitUV();

    static      void* creator();

    bool        isUndoable() const;

    MStatus     doIt( const MArgList& );
    MStatus     redoIt();
    MStatus     undoIt();

    // polyModifierCmd Methods //

    MStatus     initModifierNode( MObject modifierNode );
    MStatus     directModifier( MObject mesh );

    // Private Methods //

    bool        validateUVs();
    MStatus     pruneUVs( MIntArray& validUVIndices );

    // Private Data //

    // Selected UVs
    // Note: The MObject, fComponentList, is only ever accessed on a single call to the plugin.
    //       It is never accessed between calls and is stored on the class for access in the
    //       overriden initModifierNode() method.
    MObject                     fComponentList;
    MIntArray                   fSelUVs;

    // splitUV Factory
    splitUVFty              fSplitUVFactory;
