
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MRenderView.h>
#include <maya/M3dView.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MArgDatabase.h>

//  renderViewInteractiveRender command declaration
class renderViewInteractiveRender : public MPxCommand 
    renderViewInteractiveRender() {};
    ~renderViewInteractiveRender() {};

    virtual MStatus doIt ( const MArgList& );
    static void*    creator();
    static MSyntax  newSyntax();
    MStatus parseSyntax (MArgDatabase &argData);

    static const char * cmdName;


    RV_PIXEL evaluate(int x, int y) const;

    bool fullRefresh;
    bool immediateRefresh;
    bool doNotClearBackground;
    bool verbose;
    double radius;
    unsigned int size[2];
    unsigned int tileSize[2];
    unsigned int numberLoops;
    RV_PIXEL color1;
    RV_PIXEL color2;

static const char * kVerbose                    = "-v";
static const char * kVerboseLong                = "-verbose";
static const char * kDoNotClearBackground       = "-b";
static const char * kDoNotClearBackgroundLong   = "-background";
static const char * kRadius                     = "-r";
static const char * kRadiusLong                 = "-radius";
static const char * kSizeX                      = "-sx";
static const char * kSizeXLong                  = "-sizeX";
static const char * kSizeY                      = "-sy";
static const char * kSizeYLong                  = "-sizeY";
static const char * kSizeTileX                  = "-tx";
static const char * kSizeTileXLong              = "-sizeTileX";
static const char * kSizeTileY                  = "-ty";
static const char * kSizeTileYLong              = "-sizeTileY";
static const char * kNumberLoops                = "-nl";
static const char * kNumberLoopsLong            = "-numberLoops";
static const char * kImmediateRefresh           = "-ir";
static const char * kImmediateRefreshLong       = "-immediateRefresh";
static const char * kFullRefresh                = "-fr";
static const char * kFullRefreshLong            = "-fullRefresh";

const char * renderViewInteractiveRender::cmdName = "renderViewInteractiveRender";

void* renderViewInteractiveRender::creator()                    
    return new renderViewInteractiveRender;

MSyntax renderViewInteractiveRender::newSyntax()
    MStatus status;
    MSyntax syntax;

    syntax.addFlag(kDoNotClearBackground, kDoNotClearBackgroundLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kVerbose, kVerboseLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kImmediateRefresh, kImmediateRefreshLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kFullRefresh, kFullRefreshLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kRadius, kRadiusLong, MSyntax::kDouble);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kSizeX, kSizeXLong, MSyntax::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kSizeY, kSizeYLong, MSyntax::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kSizeTileX, kSizeTileXLong, MSyntax::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kSizeTileY, kSizeTileYLong, MSyntax::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    syntax.addFlag(kNumberLoops, kNumberLoopsLong, MSyntax::kLong);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, syntax);

    return syntax;

// Description:
//      Read the values of the additionnal flags for this command.
MStatus renderViewInteractiveRender::parseSyntax (MArgDatabase &argData)
    // Get the flag values, otherwise the default values are used.
    doNotClearBackground = argData.isFlagSet( kDoNotClearBackground );
    verbose = argData.isFlagSet( kVerbose );
    fullRefresh = argData.isFlagSet( kFullRefresh );
    immediateRefresh = argData.isFlagSet( kImmediateRefresh );

    radius = 50.;                           // pattern frequency, in pixels
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kRadius ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kRadius, 0, radius);

    size[0] = 640;
    size[1] = 480;
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kSizeX ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kSizeX, 0, size[0]);
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kSizeY ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kSizeY, 0, size[1]);

    tileSize[0] = 16;
    tileSize[1] = 16;
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kSizeTileX ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kSizeTileX, 0, tileSize[0]);
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kSizeTileY ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kSizeTileY, 0, tileSize[1]);

    numberLoops = 10;
    if (argData.isFlagSet( kNumberLoops ))
        argData.getFlagArgument(kNumberLoops, 0, numberLoops);

    return MS::kSuccess;

// Description:
//      register the command
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )         
    MFnPlugin   plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "4.5" );   
    MStatus     stat;                                       
    stat = plugin.registerCommand(  renderViewInteractiveRender::cmdName,
    if ( !stat )                                                
        stat.perror( "registerCommand" );                           
    return stat;                                                

// Description:
//      unregister the command
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )                       
    MFnPlugin   plugin( obj );                                  
    MStatus     stat;                                           
    stat = plugin.deregisterCommand( renderViewInteractiveRender::cmdName );
    if ( !stat )                                    
        stat.perror( "deregisterCommand" );         
    return stat;                                    

RV_PIXEL renderViewInteractiveRender::evaluate(int x, int y) const
//  Description:
//      Generates a simple procedural circular pattern to be sent to the 
//      Render View.
//  Arguments:
//      x, y - coordinates in the current tile (the pattern is centred 
//             around (0,0) ).
//  Return Value:
//      An RV_PIXEL structure containing the colour of pixel (x,y).
    double distance = sqrt(double((x*x) + (y*y))) / radius;
    float percent = (float)(cos(distance*2*3.1415927)/2.+.5);

    RV_PIXEL pixel;
    pixel.r = color1.r * percent + color2.r * (1-percent);
    pixel.g = color1.g * percent + color2.g * (1-percent);
    pixel.b = color1.b * percent + color2.b * (1-percent);
    pixel.a = 255.0f;

    return pixel;

MStatus renderViewInteractiveRender::doIt( const MArgList& args )
//  Description:
//      Implements the MEL renderViewInteractiveRender command. This command
//      Draws a 640x480 tiled pattern of circles into Maya's Render
//      View window.
//  Arguments:
//      args - The argument list that was passed to the command from MEL.
//  Return Value:
//      MS::kSuccess - command succeeded
//      MS::kFailure - command failed (returning this value will cause the 
//                     MEL script that is being run to terminate unless the
//                     error is caught using a "catch" statement.
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;

    // Check if the render view exists. It should always exist, unless
    // Maya is running in batch mode.
    if (!MRenderView::doesRenderEditorExist())
            "Cannot renderViewInteractiveRender in batch render mode.\n"
            "Run in interactive mode, so that the render editor exists." );
        return MS::kFailure;
    // get optional flags
    MArgDatabase argData( syntax(), args );
    parseSyntax( argData );

    // We'll render a 640x480 image.  Tell the Render View to get ready
    // to receive 640x480 pixels of data.
    unsigned int image_width = size[0], image_height = size[1];
    if (MRenderView::startRender( image_width, image_height, 
                                  immediateRefresh) != MS::kSuccess)
        displayError("renderViewInteractiveRender: error occured in startRender.");
        return MS::kFailure;

    // The image will be composed of tiles consisting of circular patterns.

    // Draw each tile
    static float colors[] = { 255, 150,  69, 
                              255,  84, 112,
                              255,  94, 249,
                               86,  62, 255,
                               46, 195, 255,
                              56, 255, 159,
                              130, 255, 64 };
    int indx1 = 0;
    int indx2 = 3*3;

    RV_PIXEL* pixels = new RV_PIXEL[tileSize[0] * tileSize[1]];
    for (unsigned int loopId = 0 ; loopId < numberLoops ; loopId++ )
        color1.r = colors[indx1]; 
        color1.g = colors[indx1+1]; 
        color1.b = colors[indx1+2];
        color1.a = 255;
        indx1 += 3; if (indx1 >= 21) indx1 -= 21;

        color2.r = colors[indx2]; 
        color2.g = colors[indx2+1]; 
        color2.b = colors[indx2+2]; 
        color2.a = 255;
        indx2 += 6; if (indx2 >= 21) indx2 -= 21;

        for (unsigned int min_y = 0; min_y < size[1] ; min_y += tileSize[1] )
            unsigned int max_y = min_y + tileSize[1] - 1;
            if (max_y >= size[1]) max_y = size[1]-1;

            for (unsigned int min_x = 0; min_x < size[0] ; min_x += tileSize[0] )
                unsigned int max_x = min_x + tileSize[0] - 1;
                if (max_x >= size[0]) max_x = size[0]-1;

                // Fill up the pixel array with some the pattern, which is 
                // generated by the 'evaluate' function.  The Render View
                // accepts floating point pixel values only.
                unsigned int index = 0;
                for (unsigned int j = min_y; j <= max_y; j++ )
                    for (unsigned int i = min_x; i <= max_x; i++)
                        pixels[index] = evaluate(i, j);

                // Send the data to the render view.
                if (MRenderView::updatePixels(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y, pixels) 
                    != MS::kSuccess)
                    displayError( "renderViewInteractiveRender: error occured in updatePixels." );
                    delete [] pixels;
                    return MS::kFailure;

                // Force the Render View to refresh the display of the
                // affected region.
                MStatus st;
                if (fullRefresh)
                    st =MRenderView::refresh(0, image_width-1, 0, image_height-1);
                    st = MRenderView::refresh(min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y);
                if (st != MS::kSuccess)
                    displayError( "renderViewInteractiveRender: error occured in refresh." );
                    delete [] pixels;
                    return MS::kFailure;

                if (verbose)
                    cerr << "Tile "<<min_x<<", "<<min_y<<
                        " (iteration "<<loopId<<")completed\n";

    delete [] pixels;

    // Inform the Render View that we have completed rendering the entire image.
    if (MRenderView::endRender() != MS::kSuccess)
        displayError( "renderViewInteractiveRender: error occured in endRender." );
        return MS::kFailure;

    displayError( "renderViewInteractiveRender completed." );
    return stat;