
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

// quadricShape.cpp
// Description:
//    Registers a new type of shape with maya called "quadricShape".
//    This shape will display spheres, cylinders, disks, and partial disks
//    using the OpenGL gluQuadric functions.
//    There are no output attributes for this shape.
//    The following input attributes define the type of shape to draw.
//       shapeType  : 0=cylinder, 1=disk, 2=partialDisk, 3=sphere
//       radius1    : cylinder base radius, disk inner radius, sphere radius
//       radius2    : cylinder top radius, disk outer radius
//       height     : cylinder height
//       startAngle : partial disk start angle
//       sweepAngle : partial disk sweep angle
//       slices     : cylinder, disk, sphere slices
//       loops      : disk loops
//       stacks     : cylinder, sphere stacks

#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MPxSurfaceShape.h>
#include <maya/MPxSurfaceShapeUI.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnEnumAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDrawData.h>
#include <maya/MDrawRequest.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionMask.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MMaterial.h>
#if defined(OSMac_MachO_)
#include <OpenGL/glu.h>
#include <GL/glu.h>

#define MCHECKERROR(STAT,MSG)       \
    if ( MS::kSuccess != STAT ) {   \
        cerr << MSG << endl;        \
        return MS::kFailure;        \

    MStatus NAME##_stat;                                             \
    MFnNumericAttribute NAME##_fn;                                   \
    NAME = NAME##_fn.create( #NAME, SHORTNAME, TYPE, DEFAULT );      \
    MCHECKERROR(NAME##_stat, "numeric attr create error");           \
    NAME##_fn.setHidden( !KEYABLE );                                 \
    NAME##_fn.setKeyable( KEYABLE );                                 \
    NAME##_fn.setInternal( true );                                   \
    NAME##_stat = addAttribute( NAME );                              \
    MCHECKERROR(NAME##_stat, "addAttribute error");

#define LEAD_COLOR              18  // green
#define ACTIVE_COLOR            15  // white
#define ACTIVE_AFFECTED_COLOR   8   // purple
#define DORMANT_COLOR           4   // blue
#define HILITE_COLOR            17  // pale blue

// Geometry class
class quadricGeom 
    double radius1;
    double radius2;
    double height;
    double startAngle;
    double sweepAngle;
    short slices;
    short loops;
    short stacks;
    short shapeType;

// Shape class - defines the non-UI part of a shape node
class quadricShape : public MPxSurfaceShape
    virtual ~quadricShape(); 

    virtual void            postConstructor();
    virtual MStatus         compute( const MPlug&, MDataBlock& );
    virtual bool            getInternalValue( const MPlug&,
                                              MDataHandle& );
    virtual bool            setInternalValue( const MPlug&,
                                              const MDataHandle& );
    virtual bool            isBounded() const;
    virtual MBoundingBox    boundingBox() const; 

    static  void *      creator();
    static  MStatus     initialize();
    quadricGeom*        geometry();

    quadricGeom*        fGeometry;

    // Attributes
    static  MObject     shapeType;
    static  MObject     radius1;
    static  MObject     radius2;
    static  MObject     height;
    static  MObject     startAngle;
    static  MObject     sweepAngle;
    static  MObject     slices;
    static  MObject     loops;
    static  MObject     stacks;
    // Shape type id
    static  MTypeId     id;

// UI class - defines the UI part of a shape node
class quadricShapeUI : public MPxSurfaceShapeUI
    virtual ~quadricShapeUI(); 

    virtual void    getDrawRequests( const MDrawInfo & info,
                                     bool objectAndActiveOnly,
                                     MDrawRequestQueue & requests );
    virtual void    draw( const MDrawRequest & request,
                          M3dView & view ) const;
    virtual bool    select( MSelectInfo &selectInfo,
                            MSelectionList &selectionList,
                            MPointArray &worldSpaceSelectPts ) const;

    void            getDrawRequestsWireframe( MDrawRequest&,
                                              const MDrawInfo& );
    void            getDrawRequestsShaded(    MDrawRequest&,
                                              const MDrawInfo&,
                                              MDrawData& data );

    static  void *  creator();

    enum {

    // Draw Tokens
    enum {


MObject quadricShape::shapeType;
MObject quadricShape::radius1;
MObject quadricShape::radius2;
MObject quadricShape::height;
MObject quadricShape::startAngle;
MObject quadricShape::sweepAngle;
MObject quadricShape::slices;
MObject quadricShape::loops;
MObject quadricShape::stacks;
MTypeId quadricShape::id( 0x80111 );

    fGeometry = new quadricGeom;
    fGeometry->radius1      = 1.0;
    fGeometry->radius2      = 1.0;
    fGeometry->height       = 2.0;
    fGeometry->startAngle   = 0.0;
    fGeometry->sweepAngle   = 90.0;
    fGeometry->slices       = 8;
    fGeometry->loops        = 6;
    fGeometry->stacks       = 4;
    fGeometry->shapeType    = 0;

    delete fGeometry;

/* override */
void quadricShape::postConstructor()
// Description
//    When instances of this node are created internally, the MObject associated
//    with the instance is not created until after the constructor of this class
//    is called. This means that no member functions of MPxSurfaceShape can
//    be called in the constructor.
//    The postConstructor solves this problem. Maya will call this function
//    after the internal object has been created.
//    As a general rule do all of your initialization in the postConstructor.
    // This call allows the shape to have shading groups assigned
    setRenderable( true );

/* override */
MStatus quadricShape::compute( const MPlug& /*plug*/, MDataBlock& /*datablock*/ )
// Since there are no output attributes this is not necessary but
// if we wanted to compute an output mesh for rendering it would
// be done here base on the inputs.
    return MS::kUnknownParameter;

/* override */
bool quadricShape::getInternalValue( const MPlug& plug,
                                     MDataHandle& datahandle )
// Handle internal attributes.
// In order to impose limits on our attribute values we
// mark them internal and use the values in fGeometry intead.
    bool isOk = true;

    if ( plug == radius1 ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->radius1 );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == radius2 ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->radius2 );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == height ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->height );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == startAngle ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->startAngle );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == sweepAngle ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->sweepAngle );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == slices ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->slices );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == loops ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->loops );
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == stacks ) {
        datahandle.set( fGeometry->stacks );
        isOk = true;
    else {
        isOk = MPxSurfaceShape::getInternalValue( plug, datahandle );

    return isOk;
/* override */
bool quadricShape::setInternalValue( const MPlug& plug,
                                     const MDataHandle& datahandle )
// Handle internal attributes.
// In order to impose limits on our attribute values we
// mark them internal and use the values in fGeometry intead.
    bool isOk = true;

    // In the case of a disk or partial disk the inner radius must
    // never exceed the outer radius and the minimum radius is 0
    if ( plug == radius1 ) {
        double innerRadius = datahandle.asDouble();
        double outerRadius = fGeometry->radius2;

        if ( innerRadius > outerRadius ) {
            outerRadius = innerRadius;

        if ( innerRadius < 0 ) {
            innerRadius = 0;

        fGeometry->radius1 = innerRadius;
        fGeometry->radius2 = outerRadius;
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == radius2 ) {
        double outerRadius = datahandle.asDouble();
        double innerRadius = fGeometry->radius1;

        if ( outerRadius <= 0 ) {
            outerRadius = 0.1;

        if ( innerRadius > outerRadius ) {
            innerRadius = outerRadius;

        if ( innerRadius < 0 ) {
            innerRadius = 0;

        fGeometry->radius1 = innerRadius;
        fGeometry->radius2 = outerRadius;
        isOk = true;
    else if ( plug == height ) {
        double val = datahandle.asDouble();
        if ( val <= 0 ) {
            val = 0.1;
        fGeometry->height = val;
    else if ( plug == startAngle ) {
        double val = datahandle.asDouble();
        fGeometry->startAngle = val;
    else if ( plug == sweepAngle ) {
        double val = datahandle.asDouble();
        fGeometry->sweepAngle = val;
    else if ( plug == slices ) {
        short val = datahandle.asShort();
        if ( val < 3 ) {
            val = 3;
        fGeometry->slices = val;
    else if ( plug == loops ) {
        short val = datahandle.asShort();
        if ( val < 3 ) {
            val = 3;
        fGeometry->loops = val;
    else if ( plug == stacks ) {
        short val = datahandle.asShort();
        if ( val < 2 ) {
            val = 2;
        fGeometry->stacks = val;
    else {
        isOk = MPxSurfaceShape::setInternalValue( plug, datahandle );

    return isOk;

/* override */
bool quadricShape::isBounded() const { return true; }

/* override */
MBoundingBox quadricShape::boundingBox() const
// Returns the bounding box for the shape.
// In this case just use the radius and height attributes
// to determine the bounding box.
    MBoundingBox result;    
    quadricShape* nonConstThis = const_cast <quadricShape*> (this);
    quadricGeom* geom = nonConstThis->geometry();

    double r = geom->radius1;
    result.expand( MPoint(r,r,r) ); result.expand( MPoint(-r,-r,-r) );
    r = geom->radius2;
    result.expand( MPoint(r,r,r) ); result.expand( MPoint(-r,-r,-r) );
    r = geom->height;
    result.expand( MPoint(r,r,r) ); result.expand( MPoint(-r,-r,-r) );

    return result;

void* quadricShape::creator()
    return new quadricShape();

MStatus quadricShape::initialize()
    MStatus             stat;
    MFnNumericAttribute numericAttr;
    MFnEnumAttribute    enumAttr;

    // QUADRIC type enumerated attribute
    shapeType = enumAttr.create( "shapeType", "st", 0, &stat );
    MCHECKERROR( stat, "create shapeType attribute" );
        enumAttr.addField( "cylinder", 0 );
        enumAttr.addField( "disk", 1 );
        enumAttr.addField( "partialDisk", 2 );
        enumAttr.addField( "sphere", 3 );
    enumAttr.setHidden( false );
    enumAttr.setKeyable( true );
    stat = addAttribute( shapeType );
    MCHECKERROR( stat, "Error adding shapeType attribute." );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( radius1, "r1", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( radius2, "r2", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 1.0, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( height, "ht", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 2.0, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( startAngle, "sta", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 0.0, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( sweepAngle, "swa", MFnNumericData::kDouble, 90.0, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( slices, "sl", MFnNumericData::kShort, 8, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( loops, "lp", MFnNumericData::kShort, 6, true );
    MAKE_NUMERIC_ATTR( stacks, "sk", MFnNumericData::kShort, 4, true );

    return stat;

quadricGeom* quadricShape::geometry()
// This function gets the values of all the attributes and
// assigns them to the fGeometry. Calling MPlug::getValue
// will ensure that the values are up-to-date.
    MObject this_object = thisMObject();
    MPlug plug( this_object, radius1 ); plug.getValue( fGeometry->radius1 );
    plug.setAttribute( radius2 );       plug.getValue( fGeometry->radius2 );
    plug.setAttribute( height );        plug.getValue( fGeometry->height );
    plug.setAttribute( startAngle );    plug.getValue( fGeometry->startAngle );
    plug.setAttribute( sweepAngle );    plug.getValue( fGeometry->sweepAngle );
    plug.setAttribute( slices );        plug.getValue( fGeometry->slices );
    plug.setAttribute( loops );         plug.getValue( fGeometry->loops );
    plug.setAttribute( stacks );        plug.getValue( fGeometry->stacks );
    plug.setAttribute( shapeType );     plug.getValue( fGeometry->shapeType );

    return fGeometry;


quadricShapeUI::quadricShapeUI() {}
quadricShapeUI::~quadricShapeUI() {}

void* quadricShapeUI::creator()
    return new quadricShapeUI();

/* override */
void quadricShapeUI::getDrawRequests( const MDrawInfo & info,
                             bool /*objectAndActiveOnly*/,
                             MDrawRequestQueue & queue )
    // The draw data is used to pass geometry through the 
    // draw queue. The data should hold all the information
    // needed to draw the shape.
    MDrawData data;
    MDrawRequest request = info.getPrototype( *this );
    quadricShape* shapeNode = (quadricShape*)surfaceShape();
    quadricGeom* geom = shapeNode->geometry();
    getDrawData( geom, data );
    request.setDrawData( data );

    // Are we displaying meshes?
    if ( ! info.objectDisplayStatus( M3dView::kDisplayMeshes ) )

    // Use display status to determine what color to draw the object
    switch ( info.displayStyle() )
        case M3dView::kWireFrame :
            getDrawRequestsWireframe( request, info );
            queue.add( request );
        case M3dView::kGouraudShaded :
            request.setToken( kDrawSmoothShaded );
            getDrawRequestsShaded( request, info, queue, data );
            queue.add( request );
        case M3dView::kFlatShaded :
            request.setToken( kDrawFlatShaded );
            getDrawRequestsShaded( request, info, queue, data );
            queue.add( request );

/* override */
void quadricShapeUI::draw( const MDrawRequest & request, M3dView & view ) const
// From the given draw request, get the draw data and determine
// which quadric to draw and with what values.
    MDrawData data = request.drawData();
    quadricGeom * geom = (quadricGeom*)data.geometry();
    int token = request.token();
    bool drawTexture = false;


    if ( (token == kDrawSmoothShaded) || (token == kDrawFlatShaded) )
#if     defined(SGI) || defined(MESA)
        glEnable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_EXT );
        glEnable( GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL );
        // Set up the material
        MMaterial material = request.material();
        material.setMaterial( request.multiPath(), request.isTransparent() );

        // Enable texturing
        drawTexture = material.materialIsTextured();
        if ( drawTexture ) glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);

        // Apply the texture to the current view
        if ( drawTexture ) {
            material.applyTexture( view, data );

    GLUquadricObj* qobj = gluNewQuadric();

    switch( token )
        case kDrawWireframe :
        case kDrawWireframeOnShaded :
            gluQuadricDrawStyle( qobj, GLU_LINE );

        case kDrawSmoothShaded :
            gluQuadricNormals( qobj, GLU_SMOOTH );
            gluQuadricTexture( qobj, true );
            gluQuadricDrawStyle( qobj, GLU_FILL );

        case kDrawFlatShaded :
            gluQuadricNormals( qobj, GLU_FLAT );
            gluQuadricTexture( qobj, true );
            gluQuadricDrawStyle( qobj, GLU_FILL );

    switch ( geom->shapeType )
    case kDrawCylinder :
        gluCylinder( qobj, geom->radius1, geom->radius2, geom->height,
                     geom->slices, geom->stacks );
    case kDrawDisk :
        gluDisk( qobj, geom->radius1, geom->radius2, geom->slices, geom->loops );
    case kDrawPartialDisk :
        gluPartialDisk( qobj, geom->radius1, geom->radius2, geom->slices,
                        geom->loops, geom->startAngle, geom->sweepAngle );
    case kDrawSphere : 
    default :
        gluSphere( qobj, geom->radius1, geom->slices, geom->stacks );

    // Turn off texture mode
    if ( drawTexture ) glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);


/* override */
bool quadricShapeUI::select( MSelectInfo &selectInfo,
                             MSelectionList &selectionList,
                             MPointArray &worldSpaceSelectPts ) const
// Select function. Gets called when the bbox for the object is selected.
// This function just selects the object without doing any intersection tests.
    MSelectionMask priorityMask( MSelectionMask::kSelectObjectsMask );
    MSelectionList item;
    item.add( selectInfo.selectPath() );
    MPoint xformedPt;
    selectInfo.addSelection( item, xformedPt, selectionList,
                             worldSpaceSelectPts, priorityMask, false );
    return true;

void quadricShapeUI::getDrawRequestsWireframe( MDrawRequest& request,
                                               const MDrawInfo& info )
    request.setToken( kDrawWireframe );

    M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus = info.displayStatus();
    M3dView::ColorTable activeColorTable = M3dView::kActiveColors;
    M3dView::ColorTable dormantColorTable = M3dView::kDormantColors;
    switch ( displayStatus )
        case M3dView::kLead :
            request.setColor( LEAD_COLOR, activeColorTable );
        case M3dView::kActive :
            request.setColor( ACTIVE_COLOR, activeColorTable );
        case M3dView::kActiveAffected :
            request.setColor( ACTIVE_AFFECTED_COLOR, activeColorTable );
        case M3dView::kDormant :
            request.setColor( DORMANT_COLOR, dormantColorTable );
        case M3dView::kHilite :
            request.setColor( HILITE_COLOR, activeColorTable );

void quadricShapeUI::getDrawRequestsShaded( MDrawRequest& request,
                                            const MDrawInfo& info,
                                            MDrawRequestQueue& queue,
                                            MDrawData& data )
    // Need to get the material info
    MDagPath path = info.multiPath();   // path to your dag object 
    M3dView view = info.view();;        // view to draw to
    MMaterial material = MPxSurfaceShapeUI::material( path );
    M3dView::DisplayStatus displayStatus = info.displayStatus();

    // Evaluate the material and if necessary, the texture.
    if ( ! material.evaluateMaterial( view, path ) ) {
        cerr << "Couldnt evaluate\n";

    bool drawTexture = true;
    if ( drawTexture && material.materialIsTextured() ) {
        material.evaluateTexture( data );

    request.setMaterial( material );

    bool materialTransparent = false;
    material.getHasTransparency( materialTransparent );
    if ( materialTransparent ) {
        request.setIsTransparent( true );
    // create a draw request for wireframe on shaded if
    // necessary.
    if ( (displayStatus == M3dView::kActive) ||
         (displayStatus == M3dView::kLead) ||
         (displayStatus == M3dView::kHilite) )
        MDrawRequest wireRequest = info.getPrototype( *this );
        wireRequest.setDrawData( data );
        getDrawRequestsWireframe( wireRequest, info );
        wireRequest.setToken( kDrawWireframeOnShaded );
        wireRequest.setDisplayStyle( M3dView::kWireFrame );
        queue.add( wireRequest );

MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");
    return plugin.registerShape( "quadricShape", quadricShape::id,
                                   &quadricShapeUI::creator  );

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
    return plugin.deregisterNode( quadricShape::id );