
#ifndef _hlslShader_h_
#define _hlslShader_h_
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <maya/MPxHardwareShader.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h> 
#include <maya/MStringArray.h> 
#include <maya/MVaryingParameter.h>
#include <maya/MUniformParameter.h>
#include <maya/MUniformParameterList.h>
#include <maya/MRenderProfile.h>

#include <maya/MHwrCallback.h>

#include <d3d9.h>
#include <d3dx9.h>

// A varying parameter
class hlslVaryingParameter 
    MVaryingParameter   fMayaParameter;

// A pass
class hlslPass
    inline              hlslPass( 0) : fNumParameters( 0), fParameters( NULL) {}
    inline              ~hlslPass() { if( fParameters) delete fParameters; }
    inline int          numParameters() const { return fNumParameters; }
    inline void         numParameters( int numParms) { if( fParameters) delete fParameters; fNumParameters = numParms; fParameters = numParms ? new hlslVaryingParameter[ numParms] : NULL; }
    inline hlslVaryingParameter& parameter( int p) const { return fParameters[ p]; }

    hlslVaryingParameter* fParameters;
    int                 fNumParameters;

class hlslShader;

// Callback structure to handle device changes
class hlslDeviceManager : public MHwrCallback 
    typedef enum
    } hlslDeviceState;
    inline hlslDeviceManager( hlslShader& shader) : fShader( shader), fState( kValid) { addCallback( this); }
    ~hlslDeviceManager() { removeCallback( this); }
    virtual void deviceNew();   
    virtual void deviceLost();
    virtual void deviceReset();
    virtual void deviceDeleted();
    inline hlslDeviceState  deviceState() { return fState; }
    void resetShader();

    // Hide this bad boy to let the compiler know it shouldn't be able to generate an assignment operator
    void operator=( const hlslDeviceManager&) {};

    hlslDeviceState fState;
    hlslShader& fShader;

// Our shader node itself!
class hlslShader : public MPxHardwareShader

    friend class hlslDeviceManager;

    // PxNode housekeeping: create, copy setup
    virtual void        postConstructor();
    virtual             ~hlslShader(); 
    static  void*       creator();
    static  MStatus     initialize();
    static  void        initializeNodeAttrs();

    // Internal attribute housekeeping
    virtual void        copyInternalData( MPxNode* pSrc );
    virtual bool        getInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
    virtual bool        setInternalValueInContext( const MPlug&,
                                              const MDataHandle&,

    // Override geometry rendering
    virtual MStatus     render( MGeometryList& iterator);

    // Indicate pass transparency options 
    virtual unsigned int    transparencyOptions();

    // Query the renderers supported by this shader
    virtual const MRenderProfile& profile();

    // Override this method to draw a image for swatch rendering.
    virtual MStatus renderSwatchImage( MImage & image );

    // Release all our device handles
    void                release();
    // The typeid is a unique 32bit indentifier that describes this node.
    // It is used to save and retrieve nodes of this type from the binary
    // file format.  If it is not unique, it will cause file IO problems.
    static  MTypeId sId;

    // Our rendering profile
    static MRenderProfile sProfile;

    // There needs to be a MObject handle declared for each attribute that
    // the node will have.  These handles are needed for getting and setting
    // the values later.
    // Input shader attribute
    static  MObject sShader;
    static  MObject sTechnique;
    static  MObject sTechniques;
    static  MObject sDescription;
    static  MObject sDiagnostics;

    // Change the shader or technique we're using
    MStatus         setShader( const MString& shader);
    MStatus         setTechnique( const MString& technique);
    bool            passHasTranparency( D3DXHANDLE passHandle ); 

    // Resource management
    hlslDeviceManager   fDeviceManager;
    void            releaseVertexDeclaration();

    // Values of internal attributes
    MString         fShader;
    MString         fTechnique;
    MStringArray    fTechniques;

    // The current daignostics/description strings
    MString         fDescription;
    MString         fDiagnostics;

    // D3D resources
    LPD3DXEFFECT    fD3DEffect;
    D3DXHANDLE      fD3DTechnique;
    D3DXEFFECT_DESC fD3DEffectDesc;
    D3DXTECHNIQUE_DESC fD3DTechniqueDesc;

    // The current set of parameters
    MVaryingParameter fVertexStructure;
    IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9** fD3DVertexDeclaration;
    MUniformParameterList fUniformParameters;
    bool                  fTechniqueHasBlending;

    // Utilities for converting D3D -> Maya
    void            setupUniform( D3DXHANDLE d3dParameter, const MString& prefix);
    bool            GetAnnotation( D3DXHANDLE parameter, const char* name, LPCSTR& value);
    bool            GetAnnotation( D3DXHANDLE parameter, const char* name, BOOL& value);
    MUniformParameter::DataSemantic ConvertSemantic( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description);
    MUniformParameter::DataType     ConvertType( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description);
    MUniformParameter::DataSemantic ConvertSpace( D3DXHANDLE parameter, D3DXPARAMETER_DESC& description, MUniformParameter::DataSemantic defaultSpace);

    // Ummm ... don't ask
    inline hlslShader& me() { return *this; }

    // Housekeeping
    int             fErrorCount;
    void            reportInternalError( const char* function, size_t errcode );

#endif /* _hlslShader_h_ */