
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================

#include <string.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <math.h>

#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>

#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnTypedAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>

#include <maya/MFnNurbsCurve.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsSurface.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsCurveData.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsSurfaceData.h>

#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MDoubleArray.h>

#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>

#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>

class fullLoft : public MPxNode
                        fullLoft() {};
    virtual             ~fullLoft();

    virtual MStatus     compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data );
    MObject             loft( MArrayDataHandle &inputArray, MObject &surfFn, 
                              MStatus &stat );
    static  void*       creator();
    static  MStatus     initialize();

    static  MObject     inputCurve;     // The input curve.
    static  MObject     outputSurface;  // The output surface
    static  MTypeId     id;             // The IFF type id

MTypeId     fullLoft::id( 0x80008 );
MObject     fullLoft::inputCurve;
MObject     fullLoft::outputSurface;

// Error macro: if not successful, print error message and return failure.
// Assumes that "stat" contains the error value
// Note that if (!stat) is the most efficient way to test for failure
#define PERRORfail(s) \
if (!stat) { \
    stat.perror(s); \
    return stat; \

// Error macro: if not successful, print error message and return a NULL object
// Assumes that "stat" contains the error value
#define PERRORnull(s) \
if (!stat) { \
    stat.perror(s); \
    return MObject::kNullObj; \

fullLoft::~fullLoft ()

void* fullLoft::creator()
    return new fullLoft();

MStatus fullLoft::initialize()
    MStatus stat;
    MFnTypedAttribute typedAttr;
    inputCurve=typedAttr.create( "inputCurve", "in",
                                         &stat );
    PERRORfail("initialize create input attribute");
    stat = typedAttr.setArray( true );
    PERRORfail("initialize set input attribute array");
    outputSurface=typedAttr.create( "outputSurface", "out",
                                            &stat );
    PERRORfail("initialize create output attribute");
    stat = typedAttr.setStorable( false );
    PERRORfail("initialize set output attribute storable");

    stat = addAttribute( inputCurve );

    stat = addAttribute( outputSurface );

    stat = attributeAffects( inputCurve, outputSurface );
    PERRORfail("attributeAffects(inputCurve, outputSurface)");

    return MS::kSuccess;

MObject fullLoft::loft( MArrayDataHandle &inputArray, MObject &newSurfData,
                      MStatus &stat )
    MFnNurbsSurface surfFn;
    MPointArray cvs;
    MDoubleArray ku, kv;
    int i, j;
    int numCVs;
    int numCurves = inputArray.elementCount ();

    // Ensure that we have at least 1 element in the input array
    // We must not do an inputValue on an element that does not
    // exist.
    if ( numCurves < 1 )
        return MObject::kNullObj;

    // Count the number of CVs
    MDataHandle elementHandle = inputArray.inputValue(&stat);
    if (!stat) {
        stat.perror("fullLoft::loft: inputValue");
        return MObject::kNullObj;
    MObject countCurve (elementHandle.asNurbsCurve());
    MFnNurbsCurve countCurveFn (countCurve);
    numCVs = countCurveFn.numCVs (&stat);
    PERRORnull("fullLoft::loft counting CVs");

    // Create knot vectors for U and V
    // U dimension contains one CV from each curve, triple knotted
    for (i = 0; i < numCurves; i++)
        ku.append (double (i));
        ku.append (double (i));
        ku.append (double (i));

    // V dimension contains all of the CVs from one curve, triple knotted at
    // the ends
    kv.append( 0.0 );
    kv.append( 0.0 );
    kv.append( 0.0 );

    for ( i = 1; i < numCVs - 3; i ++ )
        kv.append( (double) i );

    kv.append( numCVs-3 );
    kv.append( numCVs-3 );
    kv.append( numCVs-3 );

    // Build the surface's CV array
    for (int curveNum = 0; curveNum < numCurves; curveNum++)
        MObject curve (inputArray.inputValue ().asNurbsCurve ());
        MFnNurbsCurve curveFn (curve);
        MPointArray curveCVs;

        stat = curveFn.getCVs (curveCVs, MSpace::kWorld);
        PERRORnull("fullLoft::loft getting CVs");

        if (curveCVs.length() != (unsigned)numCVs)
            stat = MS::kFailure;
        PERRORnull("fullLoft::loft inconsistent number of CVs - rebuild curves");

        // Triple knot for every curve but the first
        int repeats = (curveNum == 0) ? 1 : 3;

        for (j = 0; j < repeats; j++)
            for ( i = 0; i < numCVs; i++ )
                cvs.append (curveCVs [i]);

        stat = inputArray.next ();
    MObject surf = surfFn.create(cvs, ku, kv, 3, 3,
                                 false, newSurfData, &stat );
    PERRORnull ("fullLoft::Loft create surface");

    return surf;

MStatus fullLoft::compute( const MPlug& plug, MDataBlock& data )
    MStatus stat;

    if ( plug == outputSurface )    // loft inputCurves into surface
        MArrayDataHandle inputArrayData = data.inputArrayValue( inputCurve,
                                                                &stat );
        PERRORfail("fullLoft::compute getting input array data");
        MDataHandle surfHandle = data.outputValue( fullLoft::outputSurface );
        PERRORfail("fullLoft::compute getting output data handle");
        MFnNurbsSurfaceData dataCreator;
        MObject newSurfData = dataCreator.create( &stat );
        PERRORfail("fullLoft::compute creating new nurbs surface data block");
        /* MObject newSurf = */ loft(inputArrayData, newSurfData,  stat );
        // No error message is needed - fullLoft::loft will output one
        if (!stat)
            return stat;
        // newSurf is the new surface object, but it has been packed
        // into the datablock we created for it, and the data block
        // is what we must put onto the plug.
        stat = surfHandle.set( newSurfData );
        PERRORfail("fullLoft::compute setting surface handle");
        stat = data.setClean( plug );
        PERRORfail("fullLoft::compute cleaning outputSurface plug");
        return MS::kUnknownParameter;
    return MS::kSuccess;

MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
    MStatus   status;
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "3.0", "Any");

    status = plugin.registerNode( "fullLoft", fullLoft::id, fullLoft::creator,
                         fullLoft::initialize );
    if (!status) {
        return status;

    return status;

MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj)
    MStatus   status;
    MFnPlugin plugin( obj );

    status = plugin.deregisterNode( fullLoft::id );
    if (!status) {
        return status;
    return status;