skinCluster is undoable, queryable, and editable.
The skinCluster command is used for smooth skinning in maya. It
binds the selected geometry to the selected
joints or skeleton by means of a skinCluster node. Each point of the bound
geometry can be affected by any number of joints.
The extent to which each joint affects the motion of each point is
regulated by a corresponding weight factor. Weight factors can be
modified using the skinPercent command. The command returns the name
of the new skinCluster.In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
Used to specify the name of the node being created
The specified object will be added to the list of
objects being deformed by this deformer object, unless
the -rm flag is also specified. When queried, this flag
returns string string string ...
Complements the -geometry flag in query mode. Returns
the multi index of each geometry.

Specifies that objects listed after the -g flag should
be removed from this deformer.

If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto
the existing chain is not what you want then you can use
this flag to force the command to stick the deformer
node before the selected node in the chain even if
a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so.
Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has
no geometry added yet).

If the default behavior for insertion/appending into/onto
the existing chain is not what you want then you can use
this flag to force the command to stick the deformer
node after the selected node in the chain even if
a new geometry shape has to be created in order to do so.
Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has
no geometry added yet).

The -afterReference flag is used to specify deformer ordering in a hybrid way that
choses between -before and -after automatically. If the geometry being
deformed is referenced then -after mode is used in adding the new deformer
otherwise -before mode is used. The net effect when using -afterReference to build
deformer chains is that internal shape nodes in the deformer chain will only
appear at reference file boundaries, leading to lightweight deformer networks that
may be more amicable to reference swapping.

Branches off a new chain in the dependency graph instead
of inserting/appending the deformer into/onto an
existing chain.
Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has
no geometry added yet).

This command is used to specify that the new deformer
node should be placed ahead (upstream) of existing deformer
and skin nodes in the shape's history (but not ahead of
existing tweak nodes). The input to the
deformer will be the upstream shape rather than the visible
downstream shape, so the behavior of this flag is the most
intuitive if the downstream deformers are in their reset
(hasNoEffect) position when the new deformer is added.
Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has
no geometry added yet).

Inserts the new deformer in a parallel chain to any existing deformers in
the history of the object. A blendShape is inserted to blend the parallel
results together.
Works in create mode (and edit mode if the deformer has
no geometry added yet).
Tells the command to not deform objects on the
current selection list
Returns the name of the deformer tool objects (if any)
as string string ...
Removes any points not being deformed by the deformer in
its current configuration from the deformer set.

Puts the deformation set in a deform partition.

The specified transform or joint will be added to the
list of transforms that influence the bound geometry.
The maximum number of influences will be observed
and only the weights of the cv's that the specified
transform effects will change.
This flag is multi-use.

Remove the specified transform or joint from the list of
transforms that influence the bound geometry
The weights for the affected points are renormalized.
This flag is multi-use.
Sets the maximum number of transforms that can influence
a point (have non-zero weight for the point) when
the skinCluster is first created or a new influence
is added. Note: When this flag is used in Edit mode
any custom weights will be lost and new weights will be
reassigned to the whole skin.
When true, the skinCluster will continue to enforce the maximum
influences each time the user modifies the weight, so that any
given point is only weighted by the number of influences in the
skinCluster's maximumInfluences attribute.
Sets the rate at which the influence of a transform
drops as the distance from that transform increases.
The valid range is between 0.1 and 10.0. In Create
mode it sets the dropoff rate for all the bound
joints. In Edit mode the flag is used together with the
inf/influence flag to set the dropoff rate of a
particular influence. Note: When the flag is used in
Edit mode, any custom weights on the skin points the
given transform influences will be lost.

Sets the number of sample points that will be used
along an influence curve or in each direction on an
influence NURBS surface to influence the bound skin.
The more the sample points the more closely the skin
follows the influence NURBS curve/surface.

This flag controls how accurately the skin control
points follow a given polygon influence object.
The higher the value of polySmoothnmess the
more rounded the deformation resulting from a polygonal
influence object will be.

This flag specifies the influence object that
will be used for the current edit operation. In query
mode, returns a string array of the influence objects
(joints and transform).
In query mode, this flag can accept a value.
This flag returns a string array of the influence objects
(joints and transform) that have non-zero weighting.
geometry will be bound to the selected bones only.
geometry will be bound to the skeleton and any transforms in the hierarchy.
If any of the transforms are also bindable objects, assume that only the
last object passed to the command is the bindable object. The rest are
treated as influences.

Deprecated. Use bindMethod flag instead.
Disregard the place of the joints in the skeleton
hierarchy when computing the closest joints that influence
a point of the geometry.

This flag sets the binding method.
0 - Closest distance between a joint and a point of the geometry.
1 - Closest distance between a joint, considering the skeleton
hierarchy, and a point of the geometry.
2 - Surface heat map diffusion.
This flag sets the the heatmap binding falloff. If set to 0.0 (default) the
deformation will be smoother due to many small weights spread over the mesh
surface per influence. However, if set to 1.0, corresponding to maximum falloff,
the number of influences per point will be reduced and points will tend to be
greatly influenced by their closest joint decreasing the overall spread of small
This flag only works when using heatmap binding.
If set to true, puts the skin into a mode where joints can be moved
without modifying the skinning. If set to false, takes the skin out
of move joints mode.
Unbinds the geometry from the skinCluster and deletes
the skinCluster node
Unbinds the geometry from the skinCluster, but keeps
the skinCluster node so that its weights can be used
when the skin is rebound. To rebind, use the skinCluster
When adding an influence to a skinCluster, use the geometry
parented under the influence transform to determine
the weight dropoff of that influence.

This flag can be used in conjunction with
the -addInfluence flag to specify the shape that will
be used as the base shape when an influence object with
geometry is added to the skinCluster. If the flag
is not used then the command will make a copy of the
influence object's shape and use that as a base shape.

This flag is deprecated and no longer used. It will be ignored
if used.

Lock the weights of the specified influence object
to their current value or to the value specified by
the -weight flag.
This flag is only valid in conjunction with the -addInfluence flag.
It sets the weight for the influence object that is being added.
If this flag is set to true then transform or joint whose weights are all zero
(they have no effect) will not be bound to the geometry. Having this
option set will help speed-up the playback of animation.
This flag is used to detect sudden jumps in skin weight values, which often
indicates bad weighting, and then smooth out those jaggies in skin weights.
The argument is the error tolerance ranging from 0 to 1. A value of 1 means
that the algorithm will smooth a vertex only if there is a 100% change in
weight values from its neighbors. The recommended default to use is 0.5
(50% change in weight value from the neighbors).
This flag is valid only with the smooth weights flag. It is possible that not
all the vertices detected as needing smoothing can be smoothed in 1 iteration
(because all of their neighbors also have bad weighting and need to be smoothed).
With more iterations, more vertices can be smoothed. This flag controls the
maximum number of iterations the algorithm will attempt to smooth weights.
The default is 2 for this flag.
This flag set the skinning method. 0 - classical linear skinning (default).
1 - dual quaternion (volume preserving), 2 - a weighted blend between the two.
This flag sets the normalization mode. 0 - none,
1 - interactive, 2 - post (default)
Interactive normalization makes sure the weights on the influences add up to 1.0, always.
Everytime a weight is changed, the weights are automatically normalized. This may make
it difficult to perform weighting operations, as the normalization may interfere with
the weights the user has set. Post normalization leaves the weights the user has set
as is, and only normalizes the weights at the moment it is needed
(by dividing by the sum of the weights). This makes it easier for users to weight their skins.
This flag sets the weight distribution mode.
0 - distance (default), 1 - neighbors
When normalizeWeights is in effect, and a weight has been reduced
or removed altogether, the sum is usually brought back up to 1.0
by increasing the contributions of the other non-zero weights.
However, if there are no other non-zero weights, the algorithm
has to create some weights from thin air and distribute the residual
weight between them.
This attribute controls how that is done.
"Distance" - the algorithm calculates weights from
the world-space distances from the component to the transforms.
"Neighbors" - the algorithm calculates weights from
the weights on the neighboring components.
If the normalization mode is none or post, it is possible (indeed likely) for the weights in the skin
cluster to no longer add up to 1. This flag forces all weights to add back to 1 again.
Given the name of a transform, this will select the verts or control points
being influenced by this transform, so users may visualize which vertices are
being influenced by the transform.
When used in conjunction with the selectInfluenceVerts flag, causes the vertices
afftected by the influence to be added to the current selection, without first
de-selecting other vertices.
When used in conjunction with the selectInfluenceVerts flag, causes the vertices
afftected by the influence to be removed from the current selection.
Creates a volume bind node and attaches it to the new skin cluster node. This
node holds hull geometry parameters for a volume based weighting system. This system is
used in interactive skinning. The value passed will determine the minimum weight
value when initializing the volume. The volume in be increase to enclose all the vertices
that are above this value.
Defines the initial shape of the binding volume (see volumeBind). 0 - Default (currently set to a capsule)
1 - Capsule, 2 - Cylinder.