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setInfinity [-attribute string] [-controlPoints boolean] [-hierarchy string] [-postInfinite string] [-preInfinite string] [-shape boolean]

setInfinity is undoable, queryable, and editable.

Set the infinity type before (after) a paramCurve's first (last) keyframe.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


copyKey, cutKey, findKeyframe, keyTangent, keyframe, keyframeOutliner, keyframeStats, pasteKey, scaleKey, snapKey


attribute, controlPoints, hierarchy, postInfinite, preInfinite, shape
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-attribute(-at) string createmultiuse
List of attributes to select

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-hierarchy(-hi) string create
Hierarchy expansion options. Valid values are "above," "below," "both," and "none." (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-shape(-s) boolean create
Consider attributes of shapes below transforms as well, except "controlPoints". Default: true. (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-controlPoints(-cp) boolean create
This flag explicitly specifies whether or not to include the control points of a shape (see "-s" flag) in the list of attributes. Default: false. (Not valid for "pasteKey" cmd.)

In query mode, this flag needs a value.

-preInfinite(-pri) string createquery
Set the infinity type before a paramCurve's first keyframe. Valid values are "constant", "linear", "cycle", "cycleRelative", "oscillate".
-postInfinite(-poi) string createquery
Set the infinity type after a paramCurve's last keyframe. Valid values are "constant", "linear", "cycle", "cycleRelative", "oscillate".

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

setInfinity -pri linear -poi constant;