Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
Defines the mode in which to run the file brower:
- 0 for read
- 1 for write
- 2 for write without paths (segmented files)
- 4 for directories have meaning when used with the action
+100 for returning short names
The script to run on command action
Set the type of file to filter. By default this can be any one of:
"mayaAscii", "mayaBinary", "mel", "OBJ", "directory", "plug-in", "audio", "move", "EPS", "Illustrator", "image".
plug-ins may define their own types as well.
Script to be called when the file is validated.
Enables the option dialog. Valid strings are:
- "Import"
- "Reference"
- "SaveAs"
- "ExportAll"
- "ExportActive"
Include the given string after the actionName in parentheses.
If the name is too long, it will be shortened to fit on the
dialog (for example, /usr/alias/commands/scripts/fileBrowser.mel
might be shortened to /usr/...pts/fileBrowser.mel)
- 0 for old style dialog
- 1 for Windows 2000 style Explorer style
- 2 for Explorer style with "Shortcut" tip at bottom

Specify file filters. Used with dialog style
1 and 2. Each string should be a description followed by a
comma followed by a semi-colon separated list of file
extensions with wildcard.
Message to be displayed at the bottom of the style 2 dialog box.
Set the window title of a style 1 or 2 dialog box