ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値. キーワード. 関連. フラグ. Python 例.
containerTemplate([addBindingSet=string], [addNames=boolean], [addView=string], [allKeyable=boolean], [attribute=string], [attributeList=string], [baseName=string], [bindingSetList=string], [childAnchor=boolean], [delete=boolean], [exists=boolean], [expandCompounds=boolean], [fileName=string], [force=boolean], [fromContainer=string], [fromSelection=boolean], [layoutMode=int], [load=boolean], [matchFile=string], [matchName=string], [parentAnchor=boolean], [publishedNodeList=string], [removeBindingSet=string], [removeView=string], [rootTransform=boolean], [save=boolean], [searchPath=string], [silent=boolean], [templateList=string], [unload=boolean], [updateBindingSet=string], [useHierarchy=boolean], [viewList=string])
注: オブジェクトの名前と引数を表す文字列は、カンマで区切る必要があります。これはシノプシスに示されていません。
containerTemplate は、取り消し不可能、照会可能、および編集可能です。
コンテナ テンプレートは、コンテナのパブリッシュされたインタフェースの説明です。このコマンドは、コンテナのテンプレート ファイルを作成して保存したり、既存のテンプレート ファイルをロードしたりする機能を提供します。テンプレートが存在する限り、ユーザはそのテンプレート情報を照会できます。
container, template
container, containerView
addBindingSet, addNames, addView, allKeyable, attribute, attributeList, baseName, bindingSetList, childAnchor, delete, exists, expandCompounds, fileName, force, fromContainer, fromSelection, layoutMode, load, matchFile, matchName, parentAnchor, publishedNodeList, removeBindingSet, removeView, rootTransform, save, searchPath, silent, templateList, unload, updateBindingSet, useHierarchy, viewList
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Create a container template.
cmds.containerTemplate( 'characterRig' )
# Create a container template using the published attribute information from
# container1.
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', fromContainer='container1')
# Save the template to a template file in the default template location.
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', save=True)
# Load a template (the template is located along the template search path)
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', load=True)
# Re-load a template that has already been loaded
# This is useful if you have made edits to the template outside of maya
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', force=True, load=True)
# Determine the file that a template was loaded from
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', query=True, fileName=True)
# Result: C:/myTemplates/characterRig.template #
# Add a view to a container template. This view will be generated from the
# given container, and will use a group-by-node hierarchical layout.
# The view can be subesequently customized if desired.
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', edit=True, addView='newView', fromContainer='container1', layoutMode=1)
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', save=True)
# Add another view to a container template.
# This view will be generated with a default layout and can be
# subsequently customized.
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', edit=True, addView="newView2")
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', save=True)
# Get the list of attributes in the template. This will return
# a flat list of attribute names in the order in which they appear
# in the template definition.
cmds.containerTemplate ('characterRig', query=True, attributeList=True)
# Result: [u'attribute1', u'attribute2', u'attribute3'] #
# List all loaded templates
list = cmds.containerTemplate(query=True, templateList=True)
# Result: [u'Object', u'characterRig'] #
# List all templates matching a a given template name
# Note that all templates with matching base name (in any package) will
# be returned.
cmds.containerTemplate (query=True, templateList=True, matchName='characterRig')
# Result: [u'characterRig'] #