Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. MEL examples.
subdCollapse [-caching boolean] [-constructionHistory boolean] [-level int] [-name string] [-nodeState int] [-object boolean]
subdCollapse is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command converts a takes a subdivision surface, passed as the
argument, and produces
a subdivision surface with a number of hierarchy levels "removed".
Returns the name of the subdivision surface created and optionally
the DG node that does the conversion.
string[] | The subd surface and optionally the dependency node name |
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
changeSubdivComponentDisplayLevel, changeSubdivRegion, createSubdivRegion, nurbsToSubdiv, polyToSubdiv, querySubdiv, refineSubdivSelectionList, subdToBlind, subdToPoly, subdiv, subdivCrease, subdivDisplaySmoothness
caching, constructionHistory, level, name, nodeState, object
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
The level which will now become the base mesh
Default: 0
Advanced flags |
Modifies the node caching mode. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
Modifies the node state. See the node documentation for more information.
Note: For advanced users only.
Common flags |
Name the resulting object
Turn the construction history on or off (where applicable)
Create the result, or just the dep. node (where applicable)
Flag can appear in Create mode of command
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command
Flag can be used more than once in a command.
// To create a new subd surface whose level 0 (base mesh) matches
// the level 3 vertices of the given surface.
subdCollapse -level 3 subdivShape1;