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The turbulence node implements a Perlin noise field which can be applied to particles or rigid bodies. The magnitude, frequency, and phase attributes control the random motion induced by the node. The best way to see the effect is to apply the field to a group of particles and try varying the parameters.

Node name Parents Classification MFn type Compatible function sets
turbulenceField field drawdb/geometry/dynamics/field kTurbulence kBase

Related nodes

rigidConstraint, dynBase, field, airField, radialField, vortexField, newtonField, volumeAxisField, dragField, uniformField, gravityField, pointEmitter, particle, rigidBody, geoConnectable, spring

Attributes (7)

frequency, interpolationType, noiseLevel, noiseRatio, phaseX, phaseY, phaseZ

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
frequency (frq) double 1.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
phaseX (phx) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
x component of phase shift. By animating this, you can see the noise disturbance move along the x dimension.
phaseY (phy) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
y component of phase shift. By animating this, you can see the noise disturbance move along the y dimension.
phaseZ (phz) double 0.0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
z component of phase shift. By animating this, you can see the noise disturbance move along the z dimension. The "phase" attribute prior to Maya 3.0 was equivalent to phaseZ. Pre-Maya 3.0 files will load correctly with the old "phase" value assigned to phaseZ.
noiseLevel (nslv) integer 0 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
Number of iterations for noise evaluation. Increasing this value will give greater irregularity in the particle motion, at the cost of some computation time. A value of 0 gives the same results as in versions of Maya prior to 3.0.
noiseRatio (nsrt) double 0.707 outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The relative magnitude for each consecutive noise evaluation. Used with noiseLevel.
interpolationType (intr) enum LINEAR outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
the toggle between linear interpolated noise and quadratic interpolated noise. Quadratic interpolation gives more smooth result, but it's more expensive to evaluate.