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The clipScheduler node is used to control the sequencing and blending of clips on a character. Clips and blends scheduled on a character can be viewed in the UI using the Trax Editor.

The clipScheduler is connected to a clipLibrary node that contains the source clips that have been defined for the character (source clips can be viewed in the UI using the Visor).Clips can be instanced any number of times in the scheduler. Clip instances in the scheduler share the same animation curves as the source clip stored by the clipLibrary. Data for the clip's attributes such as start, cycle, enable, weight are controlled by the clip's associated animClip node. Each clip instance has its own unique animClip node.
Node name Parents MFn type Compatible function sets
clipScheduler node kClipScheduler kBase

Related nodes

characterMap, clipLibrary

Attributes (41)

absolute, absoluteRotations, blendClips, blendList, blendList_Hidden, blendList_Inmap, blendList_InmapFrom, blendList_InmapTo, blendList_Outmap, blendList_OutmapFrom, blendList_OutmapTo, blendList_Raw, clip, clipEvaluate, clipFunction, clipFunction_Hidden, clipFunction_Inmap, clipFunction_InmapFrom, clipFunction_InmapTo, clipFunction_Outmap, clipFunction_OutmapFrom, clipFunction_OutmapTo, clipFunction_Raw, clipStatePercentEval, cycle, enable, firstClip, hold, numTracks, postCycle, preCycle, scale, secondClip, sourceEnd, sourceStart, start, startPercent, track, trackState, weight, weightStyle

Long name (short name) Type Default Flags
blendList (bl) compound n/a arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
A list of blends
blendList_Hidden (blh) function NULL outputinputhidden
For Internal Use Only
Function being applied at this attribute with the mappings cached for efficiency
blendList_Raw (blr) function NULL outputinputconnectable
For Internal Use Only
Actual function being applied at this attribute
blendList_Inmap (bli) compound n/a arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function input parameters to function data input parameters
blendList_InmapTo (blit) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function input parameter index
blendList_InmapFrom (blif) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data input parameter index
blendList_Outmap (blo) compound n/a arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function output parameters to function data output parameters
blendList_OutmapTo (blot) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function output parameter index
blendList_OutmapFrom (blof) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data output parameter index
blendClips (bc) compound n/a arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
A compound to store the indicies of the clip involved in the blend.
firstClip (fcl) integer 0 outputinputstorablehidden
The index for the first clip used by the blend.
secondClip (scl) integer 0 outputinputstorablehidden
The index for the second clip used by the blend
clipEvaluate (ce) function NULL outputconnectable
The clip evaluate function gets connected to the character that it controls. The character calls the clip function to evaluate the clip.
clipStatePercentEval (cspe) function NULL outputconnectable
This attribute is used to evaluate individual information about a particular clip at a percentage through the clip. For example, 0.0 is the start of the clip 1.0 is the end.
clipFunction (cf) compound n/a outputinputconnectable
The clip function gets connected to a library that contains the clips being scheduled.
clipFunction_Hidden (cfh) function NULL outputinputhidden
For Internal Use Only
Function being applied at this attribute with the mappings cached for efficiency
clipFunction_Raw (cfr) function NULL outputinputconnectable
For Internal Use Only
Actual function being applied at this attribute
clipFunction_Inmap (cfi) compound n/a arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function input parameters to function data input parameters
clipFunction_InmapTo (cfit) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function input parameter index
clipFunction_InmapFrom (cfif) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data input parameter index
clipFunction_Outmap (cfo) compound n/a arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function output parameters to function data output parameters
clipFunction_OutmapTo (cfot) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function output parameter index
clipFunction_OutmapFrom (cfof) short 0 outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data output parameter index
clip (cl) Message n/a arrayoutputinputconnectable
The clip message is connected to the associated clip. Array indices for the clip attribute line up with those for start, sourceStart, sourceEnd, cycle, scale, enabled and track.
start (st) time 0film arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
time when the clip starts
sourceStart (ss) time 0film arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Time when the clip starts on the original animation curves
sourceEnd (se) time 0film arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Time when the clip ends on the original animation curves
scale (sc) double 1.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Used to scale the clip
hold (h) time 0film arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Length of time that the clip holds its end value.
weight (w) double 1.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
The weight of the clip
weightStyle (ws) enum 0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
How the clip weighting is applied. `From Start` indicates that a weight of zero returns the clip to its start frame. `From Zero` indicates that a weight of zero sets the attributes in the clip to zero. `Rotations From Zero` indicates that a rotations are weighted `From Zero` and non-rotations are weighted `From Start`.
preCycle (cb) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
The preCycle value is used to repeat the clip, in whole or in part, before the beginning of the basic clip.
postCycle (ca) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
The postCycle value is used to repeat the clip, in whole or in part, after the end of the basic clip.
enable (ea) bool 1 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
whether the clip is enabled
track (tr) short 0 arrayoutputinputstorable
track index for the clip
trackState (ts) short 0 arrayoutputinputstorablehidden
Flag bits for the track state. Current mask values are: 1: when set means that all the clips on the track are locked 2: when set means that all the clips on the track are soloed 4: when set means that all the clips on the track are muted 8: when set means that all the clips on the track are ghosted
numTracks (nt) short 0 outputinputstorablehidden
the number of tracks in the scheduler
cycle (cy) double 1.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
This attribute is obsolete.
startPercent (sp) double 0.0 arrayoutputinputconnectablehidden
This attribute is obsolete.
absolute (a) bool 0 arrayoutputinputconnectablehidden
This attribute is obsolete.
absoluteRotations (ar) bool 0 arrayoutputinputconnectablehidden
This attribute is obsolete.