Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related.
Flags. Python
sysFile( string , [copy=string], [delete=boolean], [makeDir=boolean], [move=string], [removeEmptyDir=boolean], [rename=string])
Note: Strings representing object names and
arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the
sysFile is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT
This command provides a system independent way to create a
directory or to rename or delete a file.
boolean |
True if successful, false otherwise. |
copy, delete,
makeDir, move,
removeEmptyDir, rename
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
delete(delete) |
boolean |
rename(ren) |
string |
Rename the file to the name given by the newFileName
parameter. |
move(mov) |
string |
Behaves identically to the -rename flag and remains for
compatibility with old scripts |
copy(cp) |
string |
Copy the file to the name given by the newFileName
paramter. |
makeDir(md) |
boolean |
Create the directory path given in the parameter. This will
create the entire path if more than one directory needs to be
created. |
removeEmptyDir(red) |
boolean |
Delete the directory path given in the parameter if the
directory is empty. The command will not delete a directory which
is not empty. |
Flag can appear in Create mode of
command |
Flag can appear in Edit mode of command |
Flag can appear in Query mode of command |
Flag can have multiple arguments, passed
either as a tuple or a list. |
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Create a new directory path
cmds.sysFile( 'C:/temp/mayaStuff', makeDir=True )# Windows
cmds.sysFile( '/tmp/mayaStuff', makeDir=True )# Unix
# Move a scene to the new directory (we can rename it at the same time).
cmds.sysFile( 'C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/myScene.mb', rename='C:/temp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash' )# Windows
cmds.sysFile( '/maya/projects/default/scenes/myScene.mb', rename='/tmp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash' )# Unix
# Rename the scene to "myScene.will.be.deleted"
cmds.sysFile( 'C:/temp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash', rename='C:/temp/mayaStuff/myScene.will.be.deleted' )# Windows
cmds.sysFile( '/tmp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash', rename='/tmp/mayaStuff/myScene.will.be.deleted' )# Unix
# Copy a scene to the new directory
destWindows = "C:/temp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash"
srcWindows = "C:/maya/projects/default/scenes/myScene.mb"
cmds.sysFile( srcWindows, copy=destWindows )# Windows
destUnix = "/tmp/mayaStuff/myScene.mb.trash"
srcUnix = "maya/projects/default/scenes/myScene.mb"
cmds.sysFile( srcUnix, copy=destUnix )# Unix
# Delete the scene
cmds.sysFile( 'C:/temp/mayaStuff/myScene.will.be.deleted', delete=True )# Windows
cmds.sysFile( '/tmp/mayaStuff/myScene.will.be.deleted', delete=True )# Unix