nodeEditor is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command creates/edits/queries a nodeEditor editor. The
optional argument is the name of the control.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
exists(ex) |
boolean |
Returns true|false depending upon whether the specified object
exists. Other flags are ignored. |
defineTemplate(dt) |
string |
Puts a command in a mode where any other flags and args are
parsed and added to the command template specified in the argument.
They will be used as default arguments in any subsequent
invocations of the command when templateName is set as the current
template. |
useTemplate(ut) |
string |
Force the command to use a command template other than the
current one. |
panel(pnl) |
string |
Specifies the panel that the editor belongs to. By default if
an editor is created in the create callback of a scripted panel it
will belong to that panel. If an editor doesn't belong to a panel
it will be deleted when the window that it is in is deleted. |
parent(p) |
string |
Specifies the parent layout for this editor. This flag will
only have an effect if the editor is currently un-parented. |
unParent(up) |
boolean |
Specifies that the editor should be removed from its layout.
This cannot be used with query. |
control(ctl) |
boolean |
Query only. Returns the top level control for this editor.
Usually used for getting a parent to attach popup menus. Caution:
It is possible, at times, for an editor to exist without a control.
This flag returns "NONE" if no control is present. |
mainListConnection(mlc) |
string |
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the
editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only
display items contained in the selectionConnection object. |
forceMainConnection(fmc) |
string |
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the
editor will use as its source of content. The editor will only
display items contained in the selectionConnection object. This is
a variant of the -mainListConnection flag in that it will force a
change even when the connection is locked. This flag is used to
reduce the overhead when using the -unlockMainConnection ,
-mainListConnection, -lockMainConnection flags in immediate
succession. |
selectionConnection(slc) |
string |
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the
editor will synchronize with its own selection list. As the user
selects things in this editor, they will be selected in the
selectionConnection object. If the object undergoes changes, the
editor updates to show the change. |
highlightConnection(hlc) |
string |
Specifies the name of a selectionConnection object which the
editor will synchronize with its highlight list. Not all editors
have a highlight list. For those that do, it is a secondary
selection list. |
filter(f) |
string |
Specifies the name of an itemFilter object to be placed on this
editor. This filters the information coming onto the main list of
the editor. |
lockMainConnection(lck) |
boolean |
Locks the current list of objects within the mainConnection, so
that only those objects are displayed within the editor. Further
changes to the original mainConnection are ignored. |
stateString(sts) |
boolean |
Query only flag. Returns the MEL command that will edit an
editor to match the current editor state. The returned command
string uses the string variable $editorName in place of a specific
name. |
unlockMainConnection(ulk) |
boolean |
Unlocks the mainConnection, effectively restoring the original
mainConnection (if it is still available), and dynamic
updates. |
updateMainConnection(upd) |
boolean |
Causes a locked mainConnection to be updated from the orginal
mainConnection, but preserves the lock state. |
docTag(dtg) |
string |
Attaches a tag to the Maya editor. |
addNewNodes(ann) |
boolean |
New nodes should be added to the graph, default is on. |
addNode(an) |
string |
Adds a specified node to the graph. Passing an empty string
means the current model selection will be added to the graph. |
allAttributes(ala) |
boolean |
Attributes should not be filtered out of the graph, default is
off. |
allNodes(aln) |
boolean |
Nodes should not be filtered out of the graph, default is
off. |
autoSizeNodes(asn) |
boolean |
When enabled, default node widths will be dynamically
determined by the node name length, default is on. |
beginNewConnection(bnc) |
string |
Begin a new interactive connection at the given attribute. |
beginCreateNode(bcn) |
boolean |
Begin interactive node-creation at the mouse position. This
will create a control which allows quick creation of a node in the
The actual creation is delegated to the createNodeCommand. |
createNodeCommand(cnc) |
script |
Specifies a function to be used to create nodes through the
editor. The function will be passed the name of the chosen node
type. This is used by the tab-create workflow. By default
createNode is used. |
cycleHUD(ch) |
boolean |
Change the HUD to the next state. |
dotFormat(dot) |
string |
In query mode:
Get the graph information in DOT format. The flag argument
specifies a file path to write to.
If "-" is supplied, the data is returned as a string, otherwise the
size in bytes of the written file is returned.
In edit mode:
Sets the positions of nodes in the graph from a Graphviz output
file in plain format. Only the node position, width and
height information is used.
If the argument starts with "graph ", it will be treated as the
plain data instead of a filename.
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
downstream(ds) |
boolean |
Include nodes which are downstream of the root nodes. |
filterCreateNodeTypes(fcn) |
script |
Specifies a function to be used to filter the list of node
types which appear in the inline-creation menu (tab key). The
function should accept one string array argument and return a
string array. |
ignoreAssets(ia) |
boolean |
Do not display asset contents as subgraphs, instead show
asset-related nodes as normal nodes, default is off. |
upstream(ups) |
boolean |
Include nodes which are upstream of the root nodes. |
rootNode(rn) |
string |
Add a node name as a root node of the graph. Passing an empty
string clears the current root node list. When queried, returns the
list of current root nodes. |
rootsFromSelection(rfs) |
boolean |
Specify that the root nodes for the graph should taken from the
currently active selection. |
selectAll(sa) |
boolean |
Select all items in the graph. |
selectNode(sln) |
string |
Select a node in the graph. Passing an empty string clears the
current selection. When queried, returns the list of currently
selected nodes. |
syncedSelection(ssl) |
boolean |
Keep the graph selection in sync with the model selection. |
toolTipCommand(ttc) |
script |
Specifies a function to override the tooltip that is displayed
for a node. The function will be passed the name of the node under
the cursor, and should return a text string to be displayed. A
simple HTML 4 subset is supported. |
traversalDepthLimit(tdl) |
int |
Specify the maximum number of edges which will be followed from
any root node when building the graph. A negative value means
unlimited. Default is unlimited. |
layout(lay) |
boolean |
Perform an automatic layout of the graph. |
layoutCommand(lc) |
script |
Specifies a function to override the default action when a
graph layout is required. The function will be passed the name of
editor. The function should arrange the nodes in the graph. |
frameAll(fa) |
boolean |
Frame all the contents of the node editor. |
frameModelSelection(fms) |
boolean |
Frame the current model selection. |
frameSelected(fs) |
boolean |
Frame the selected contents of the node editor. |
island(isl) |
boolean |
Graph DG islands instead of dependency nodes. |
script |
Set the script to be called to register the popup menu with the
control for this editor. The script will be called with a string
argument which gives the name of the editor whose control the popup
menu should be parented to. |
scaleView(sv) |
float |
Scales the graph view by the given factor. An argument of zero
means reset to default. |
showAllNodeAttributes(saa) |
string |
Display all attributes for the given node, not just primary
attributes. |
showShapes(ss) |
boolean |
showSGShapes(ssg) |
boolean |
Show shapes which are connected to the network through a
shading group. |
showTransforms(st) |
boolean |
extendToShapes(ets) |
boolean |
Include child shapes for each selected transform. |
feedbackConnection(fbc) |
boolean |
Returns a description of the feedback connection(s) in the
editor view, if any. The connection(s) will be returned as a list
of strings, which are pairs of plugs for each connection. |
feedbackNode(fbn) |
boolean |
Returns the name of the feedback node in the editor view, if
any. |
feedbackPlug(fbp) |
boolean |
Returns the name of the feedback plug (attribute) in the editor
view, if any. |
feedbackType(fbt) |
boolean |
Returns the most specific type of the feedback item in the
editor view, if any. Will be one of "plug", "node", "connection" or
an empty string. Use the other feedback* flags to query the item
description. |
hudMessage(hm) |
[string, int, float] |
Display the given message on the editor HUD. The flag arguments
are (message, type, duration), where type is:
- upper-left corner.
- top center.
- upper-right corner.
Duration 0 means the message stays until removed. Duration > 0
means it stays for that number of seconds.
An empty message erases whatever is currently displayed for the
given type. |
removeNode(rem) |
string |
Removes a node from the graph. An empty string indicates that
currently selected nodes should be removed. |
renameNode(ren) |
string |
Rename a node in the graph. Depending on the zoom level of the
view, an edit field will either appear on the node item or in a
popup dialog to allow the new name to be entered. |
restoreInfo(ri) |
string |
Restores the editor state corresponding to supplied
hyperGraphInfo node. |
createInfo(ci) |
string |
Creates or modifies a hyperGraphInfo network to save the state
of the editor. |
deleteSelected(deleteSelected) |
boolean |
Delete the selected nodes and break the selected
connections. |
keyPressCommand(kpc) |
script |
Specifies a function to be called when a key is pressed and the
editor has focus.
The function will be passed the name of the editor and an
(uppercase) string representation of the key that was pressed, and
should return true if the key was handled, and false if it was
Note: `getModifiers` can be used to query the current state of key
modifiers. |
nodeViewMode(nvm) |
string |
Sets the attribute view mode of selected nodes in the active
scene. Mode values are: "simple" (no attributes displayed),
"connected" (connected attributes only), and "all" (all interesting
attributes displayed). |
panView(pv) |
[float, float] |
Pan the view by the given amount. Arguments of 0 0 will reset
the view translation. |
scc) |
script |
Specifies a function to be called whenever settings for the
node editor get changed. |
toggleSwatchSize(tss) |
string |
Toggles the swatch size of the given node between small and
large. |
pinSelectedNodes(psn) |
boolean |
Pins or unpins the selected nodes. |
shaderNetworks(sn) |
boolean |
Graph the shader network for all the objects on the selection
list that have shaders. |
bsc) |
boolean |
Break the selected attribute connections. |
gsc) |
boolean |
Graph the nodes connected by the selected attribute
connections. |
selectConnectionNodes(scn) |
boolean |
Select the nodes connected by the selected attribute
connections. |
sfc) |
boolean |
Select the feedback connection(s) in the editor view, if
any. |
additiveGraphingMode(agm) |
boolean |
When enabled the graphing will add node networks to the
existing graph instead of replacing it. |