artPuttyCtx is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext,
which is the base context for attribute painting operations. All
commands require the name of the context as the last argument as
this provides the name of the context to create, edit or query.
This command is used to modify NURBS surfaces using a brush based
interface (Maya Artisan). This is accomplished by moving the
control vertices (cvs) under the brush in the specified direction.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
exists(ex) |
boolean |
Returns true or false depending upon whether the specified
object exists. Other flags are ignored. |
image1(i1) |
string |
image2(i2) |
string |
image3(i3) |
string |
Contexts support up to three icons that represent the tool
associated with the context. |
history(ch) |
boolean |
If this is a tool command, turn the construction history on for
the tool in question. |
name(n) |
string |
If this is a tool command, name the tool appropriately. |
dragSlider(dsl) |
string |
Sets the current brush drag state for resizing or offsetting
the brush (like the 'b' and 'm' default hotkeys). The string
argument is one of: "radius", "lowradius", "opacity", "value",
"depth", "displacement", "uvvector" or "none". C: Default is
"none". |
opacity(op) |
float |
Sets the brush opacity. C: Default is 1.0. Q: When queried, it
returns a float. |
accopacity(aco) |
boolean |
Sets opacity accumulation on/off. C: Default is false (Except
for sculpt tool for which it is true by default). Q: When queried,
it returns a boolean. |
radius(r) |
float |
Sets the size of the brush. C: Default is 1.0 cm. Q: When
queried, it returns a float. |
lowerradius(lr) |
float |
Sets the lower size of the brush (only apply on tablet). |
stampProfile(stP) |
string |
Sets the brush profile of the current stamp. Currently, the
following profiles are supported: "gaussian", "soft", "solid" and
"square". C: Default is gaussian. Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
profileShapeFile(psf) |
string |
Passes a name of the image file for the stamp shape
profile. |
brushalignment(bra) |
boolean |
Specifies the path brush alignemnt. If true, the brush will
align to stroke path, otherwise it will align to up vector. C:
Default is true. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
clear(clr) |
boolean |
Floods all cvs/vertices to the current value. |
usepressure(up) |
boolean |
Sets the tablet pressure on/off. C: Default is false. Q: When
queried, it returns a boolean. |
mappressure(mp) |
string |
Sets the tablet pressure mapping when the table is used. There
are four options: "none" - the pressure has no effect, "opacity" -
the pressure is mapped to the opacity, "radius" - the is mapped to
modify the radius of the brush, "both" - the pressure modifies both
the opacity and the radius. C: Default is "none". Q: When queried,
it returns a string. |
outline(o) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush should be drawn. C: Default is TRUE. Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
outwhilepaint(owp) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush outline should be drawn while painting.
C: Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
brushfeedback(brf) |
boolean |
Specifies if the brush additional feedback should be drawn. C:
Default is TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
showactive(sa) |
boolean |
Sets on/off the display of the surface isoparms. C: Default is
TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
paintmode(pm) |
string |
Specifies the paint mode. There are two possibilities: "screen"
and "tangent". C: Default is "screen". Q: When queried, it returns
a string. |
projective(prm) |
boolean |
Specifies the projective paint mode. C: Default is 'false'. Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
reflection(rn) |
boolean |
Specifies the reflection mode. C: Default is 'false'. Q: When
queried, it returns a boolean. |
reflectionaxis(ra) |
string |
Specifies the reflection axis. There are three possibilities:
"x", "y" and "z". C: Default is "x". Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
importfileload(ifl) |
string |
Load the attribute map a specified file. |
importreassign(irm) |
boolean |
Specifies if the multiply atrribute maps are to be reassigned
while importing. Only maps previously exported from within Artisan
can be reassigned. C: Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns
a boolean. |
importfilemode(ifm) |
string |
Specifies the channel to import. The valid entries here are:
"alpha", "luminance", "red", "green", "blue", and "rgb" C: Default
is "alpha". Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
expandfilename(eef) |
boolean |
If true, it will expand the name of the export file and
concatenate it with the surface name. Otherwise it will take the
name as it is. C: Default is true. |
exportfilesave(esf) |
string |
Exports the attribute map and saves to a specified file. |
exportfilemode(efm) |
string |
Specifies the export channel.The valid entries here are:
"alpha", "luminance", "rgb", "rgba". C: Default is "luminance/rgb".
Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
exportfilesizex(fsx) |
int |
Specifies the width of the attribute map to export. C: Default
width is 256. Q: When queried, it returns an integer. |
exportfilesizey(fsy) |
int |
Specifies the width of the attribute map to export. C: Default
width is 256. Q: When queried, it returns an integer. |
exportfiletype(eft) |
string |
Specifies the image file format. It can be one of the
following: "iff", "tiff", "jpeg", "alias", "rgb", "fit"
"postScriptEPS", "softimage", "wavefrontRLA", "wavefrontEXP". C:
default is tiff. Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
tablet(tab) |
boolean |
Returns true if the tablet device is present, false if it is
absent |
scv) |
boolean |
Enables/disables the the display of the effective brush area as
affected vertices. |
tangentOutline(to) |
boolean |
Enables/disables the display of the brush circle tangent to the
surface. |
selectedattroper(sao) |
string |
Sets the edit weight operation. Four edit weights operations
are provided : "absolute" - the value of the weight is replaced by
the current one, "additive" - the value of the weight is added to
the current one, "scale" - the value of the weight is multiplied by
the current one, "smooth" - the value of the weight is divided by
the current one. C: Default is "absolute". Q: When queried, it
returns a string. |
filterNodes(fon) |
boolean |
value(val) |
float |
Specifies the value for each attribute. C: Default is 0.0. Q:
When queried, it returns a float. |
minvalue(miv) |
float |
Specifies the minimum value for each attribute. C: Default is
0.0. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
maxvalue(mxv) |
float |
Specifies the maximum value for each attribute. C: Default is
1.0. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
useColorRamp(ucr) |
boolean |
Specifies whether the user defined color ramp should be used to
map values from to colors. If this is turned off, the default
greyscale feedback will be used. |
colorRamp(cr) |
string |
Allows a user defined color ramp to be used to map values to
colors. |
useMaxMinColor(umc) |
boolean |
Specifies whether the out of range colors should be used. See
rampMinColor and rampMaxColor flags for further details. |
rampMinColor(rmc) |
[float, float, float] |
Defines a special color to be used when the value is less than
or equal to the minimum value. |
rampMaxColor(rxc) |
[float, float, float] |
Defines a special color to be used when the value is greater
than or equal to the maximum value. |
clamp(cl) |
string |
Specifies if the weight value should be clamped to the lower
and upper bounds. There are four options here: "none" - no clamping
is performed, "lower" - clamps only to the lower bound, "upper" -
clamps only to the upper bounds, "both" - clamps to the lower and
upper bounds. C: Default is "none". Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
clamplower(cll) |
float |
Specifies the lower bound for the values. C: Default is 0.0. Q:
When queried, it returns a float. |
clampupper(clu) |
float |
Specifies the upper bound for the values. C: Default is 1.0. Q:
When queried, it returns a float. |
alphaclamp(alc) |
string |
Specifies if the weight value should be alpha clamped to the
lower and upper bounds. There are four options here: "none" - no
clamping is performed, "lower" - clamps only to the lower bound,
"upper" - clamps only to the upper bounds, "both" - clamps to the
lower and upper bounds. C: Default is "none". Q: When queried, it
returns a string. |
alphaclamplower(acl) |
float |
Specifies the lower bound for the alpha values. C: Default is
0.0. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
alphaclampupper(acu) |
float |
Specifies the upper bound for the alpha values. C: Default is
1.0. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
dataTypeIndex(dti) |
int |
When the selected paintable attribute is a vectorArray, it
specifies which field to paint on. |
colorfeedback(cf) |
boolean |
Sets on/off the color feedback display. C: Default is FALSE. Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
disablelighting(dl) |
boolean |
If color feedback is on, this flag determines whether lighting
is disabled or not for the surfaces that are affected C: Default is
FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
colorrangelower(crl) |
float |
Specifies the value which maps to black when color feedback
mode is on C: Default is 0.0. Q: When queried, it returns a
float. |
colorrangeupper(cru) |
float |
Specifies the value which maps to the maximum color when color
feedback mode is on C: Default is 1.0. Q: When queried, it returns
a float. |
interactiveUpdate(iu) |
boolean |
Specifies how often to transfer the painted values into the
attribute. TRUE: transfer them "continuously" (many times per
stroke) FALSE: transfer them only at the end of a stroke (on mouse
button release) C: Default is TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a
boolean. |
paintNodeArray(pna) |
string |
An array of paintable nodes. Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
objattrArray(oaa) |
string |
An array of all paintable attributes. Each element of the array
is a string with the following information:
NodeType.NodeName.AttributeName.MenuType *MenuType: type(level) of
the item in the Menu (UI). Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
attrSelected(asl) |
string |
Returns a name of the currently selected attribute. Q: When
queried, it returns a string. |
paintattrselected(pas) |
string |
An array of selected paintable attributes. Each element of the
array is a string with the following information:
NodeType.NodeName.AttributeName. |
beforeStrokeCmd(bsc) |
string |
The passed string is executed as a MEL command immediately
before the start of a stroke. C: Default is no command. Q: When
queried, it returns the current command |
duringStrokeCmd(dsk) |
string |
The passed string is executed as a MEL command during the
stroke, each time the mouse is dragged. C: Default is no command.
Q: When queried, it returns the current command |
afterStrokeCmd(asc) |
string |
The passed string is executed as a MEL command immediately
after the end of a stroke. C: Default is no command. Q: When
queried, it returns the current command |
whichTool(wst) |
string |
The string defines the name of the tool to be used for the
Artisan context. An example is "artClothPaint". In query mode, the
tool name for the given context is returned. Note: due to the way
MEL works, always specify the -query flag last when specifying a
flag which takes arguments. |
activeListChangedProc(alp) |
string |
Accpts a string which contains a MEL command that is invoked
whenever the active list changes. There may be some situations
where the UI, for example, needs to be updated, when objects are
selected/deselected in the scene. In query mode, the name of the
currently registered MEL command is returned and this will be an
empty string if none is defined. |
toolOnProc(top) |
string |
Accepts a strings describing the name of a MEL procedure which
is invoked whenever the tool is turned on. For example, cloth
invokes "clothPaintToolOn" when the cloth paint tool is turned on.
Define this callback if your tool requires special functionality
when your tool is activated. It is typical that if you implement a
toolOnProc you will want to implement a toolOffProc as well (see
the -toolOffProc flag. In query mode, the name of the currently
registered MEL command is returned and this will be an empty string
if none is defined. |
toolOffProc(tfp) |
string |
Accepts a strings describing the name of a MEL procedure which
is invoked whenever the tool is turned off. For example, cloth
invokes "clothPaintToolOff" when the cloth paint tool is turned on.
Define this callback if your tool requires special functionality
when your tool is deactivated. It is typical that if you implement
a toolOffProc you will want to implement a toolOnProc as well (see
the -toolOnProc flag. In query mode, the name of the currently
registered MEL command is returned and this will be an empty string
if none is defined. |
mouldtypemouse(mtm) |
string |
Specifies the putty operations/mode ("push" - pushes cvs along
the given direction (see refvector flag), "pull" - pulls cvs along
the specified direction, "smooth" - smooths the sculpt, "erase" -
erases the paint). C: Default is "push". Q: When queried, it
returns a string. |
refvector(rv) |
string |
Specifies the direction of the push/pull operation ("normal" -
sculpt along normals, "firstnormal" - sculpt along the first normal
of the stroke, "view" - sculpt along the view direction, "xaxis",
"yaxis", "zaxis" - sculpt along a given axis directions,
"uisoparm", "visoparm" - sculpt along U or V isoparametric lines),
"uvvector" - sculpt along an arbitrary vector in UV space. C:
Default is "normal". Q: When queried, it returns a string. |
invertrefvector(irv) |
boolean |
Sets the invert of the reference vector option when the
reflection is ON. If it is true, the reference vector for the
reflected stroke is negated with respect to the original one. C:
Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
refvectoru(rvu) |
float |
Specifies the U component of the UV vector to be used when
-refVector is set to "uvvector". |
refvectorv(rvv) |
float |
Specifies the V component of the UV vector to be used when
-refVector is set to "uvvector". |
maxdisp(md) |
float |
Defines a maximum displacement ( maxDisp in [0.0..5.0] ). C:
Default is 1.0. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
collapsecvtol(clc) |
float |
Specifies the tolerance for the collapse cv detection. C:
Default is 0.005 cm. Q: When queried, it returns a float. |
autosmooth(asm) |
boolean |
Sets up the auto smoothing option. When the brush is in the
smooth mode, adjusting the strength will adjust how fast the
surfaces is smoothed out. C: Default is FALSE. Q: When queried, it
returns a boolean. |
smoothiters(si) |
int |
Sets the quality of the smoothing operation (number of
iterations). C: Default is 3. Q: When queried, it returns an
int. |
brushStrength(bs) |
float |
Sets the strength of the brush. Brush strength is supported by
the pinch brush. In the pinch mode, adjusting the strength will
adjust how quickly the surface converges on the brush center. C:
Default is 1.0. Q: When queried, it returns an float. |
stitchtype(stt) |
string |
Sets on/off the stitching mode ( "off" - stitching is turned
off, "position" - position stitching is done without taking care
about the tangent continuity C0, "tan" - C1 continuity is
preserved). C: Default is "position". Q: When queried, it returns a
string. |
stitchedgeflood(sef) |
boolean |
Triggers postprocessing stitching edge procedure. |
stitchcorner(stc) |
boolean |
Sets on/off the stitching corner mode C: Default is "off". Q:
When queried, it returns a boolean. |
polecv(pcv) |
boolean |
Pull all the pole cvs to the same position |
refsurface(rs) |
boolean |
Sets on/off the update of the reference surface. If it is true
the reference surface is automatically updated on the per stroke
bases. If it is false, the user has to update the reference surface
explicitly by pressing the update button (see updaterefsrf). C:
Default is TRUE. Q: When queried, it returns a boolean. |
updaterefsrf(urs) |
boolean |
Updates the reference surface. |
updateerasesrf(ues) |
boolean |
Updates the erase surface. |
dispincr(din) |
boolean |
Increases a maximum displacement by 10%. |
dispdecr(dde) |
boolean |
Decreases a maximum displacement by 10%. |