Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-long(-l) |
Return full path names for Dag objects. By default the shortest
unique name is returned. |
-shortNames(-sn) |
Return short attribute names. By default long attribute names
are returned. |
-head(-hd) |
int |
This flag specifies the maximum number of elements to be
returned from the beginning of the list of items. Note: each type
flag will return at most this many items so if multiple type flags
are specified then the number of items returned can be greater than
this amount. |
-tail(-tl) |
int |
This flag specifies the maximum number of elements to be
returned from the end of the list of items. Note: each type flag
will return at most this many items so if multiple type flags are
specified then the number of items returned can be greater than
this amount |
-type(-typ) |
string |
List all objects of the specified type. This flag can appear
multiple times on the command line. Note: the type passed to this
flag is the same type name returned from the showType flag. Note:
some selection items in Maya do not have a specific object/data
type associated with them and will return "untyped" when listed
with this flag.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the exactType or
excludeType flag. |
-exactType(-et) |
string |
List all objects of the specified type, but not objects
that are descendents of that type. This flag can appear multiple
times on the command line. Note: the type passed to this flag is
the same type name returned from the showType flag.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the type or
excludeType flag. |
-containerType(-ct) |
string |
List containers with the specified user-defined type.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the type or exactType
flag. |
-showType(-st) |
List the type of each object after its name. |
-showNamespace(-sns) |
Show the namespace of each object after the object name.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the showType
flag. |
-absoluteName(-an) |
This flag can be used in conjunction with the showNamespace
flag to specify that the namespace(s) returned by the command be in
absolute namespace format. The absolute name of the namespace is a
full namespace path, starting from the root namespace ":" and
including all parent namespaces. For example ":ns:ball" is an
absolute namespace name while "ns:ball" is not. The absolute
namespace name is invariant and is not affected by the current
namespace or relative namespace modes. |
-excludeType(-ext) |
string |
List all objects that are not of the specified type. This flag
can appear multiple times on the command line. Note: the type
passed to this flag is the same type name returned from the
showType flag.
This flag cannot be used in conjunction with the type or exactType
flag. |
-modified(-mod) |
When this flag is set, only nodes modified since the last save
will be returned. |
-objectsOnly(-o) |
When this flag is set only object names will be returned and
components/attributes will be ignored. |
-selection(-sl) |
List objects that are currently selected. |
-orderedSelection(-os) |
List objects and components that are currently selected in
their order of selection. This flag depends on the value of the
-tso/trackSelectionOrder flag of the selectPref command. If that
flag is not enabled than this flag will return the same thing as
the -sl/selection flag would. |
-live(-lv) |
List objects that are currently live. |
-hilite(-hl) |
List objects that are currently hilited for component
selection. |
-preSelectHilite(-psh) |
List components that are currently hilited for
pre-selection. |
-geometry(-g) |
List geometric Dag objects. |
-dependencyNodes(-dep) |
List dependency nodes. (including Dag objects) |
-dagObjects(-dag) |
List Dag objects of any type. If object name arguments are
passed to the command then this flag will list all Dag objects
below the specified object(s). |
-leaf(-lf) |
List all leaf nodes in Dag. This flag is a modifier and must be
used in conjunction with the -dag flag. |
-assemblies(-as) |
List top level transform Dag objects |
-allPaths(-ap) |
List all paths to nodes in DAG. This flag only works if
-dag is also specified or if an object name is
supplied. |
-transforms(-tr) |
-shapes(-s) |
-lights(-lt) |
-cameras(-ca) |
-planes(-pl) |
List construction plane shapes. |
-partitions(-pr) |
-sets(-set) |
-textures(-tex) |
-materials(-mat) |
List materials or shading groups. |
-renderQualities(-rq) |
List named render qualities. |
-renderResolutions(-rr) |
-renderGlobals(-rg) |
-renderSetups(-rs) |
Alias for -renderGlobals. |
-nodeTypes(-nt) |
Lists all registered node types. |
-readOnly(-ro) |
Returns referenced nodes. Referenced nodes are read only. NOTE:
Obsolete. Please use "-referencedNodes". |
-referencedNodes(-rn) |
Returns referenced nodes. Referenced nodes are read only. |
-undeletable(-ud) |
Returns nodes that cannot be deleted (which includes locked
nodes). These nodes also cannot be renamed. |
-lockedNodes(-ln) |
Returns locked nodes, which cannot be deleted or renamed.
However, their status may change. |
-persistentNodes(-pn) |
Returns persistent nodes, which are nodes that stay in the Maya
session after a file > new. |
-flatten(-fl) |
Flattens the returned list of objects so that each component is
identified individually. |
-visible(-v) |
List only visible dag nodes. |
-invisible(-iv) |
List only invisible dag nodes. |
-intermediateObjects(-io) |
List only intermediate dag nodes. |
-noIntermediate(-ni) |
List only non intermediate dag nodes. |
-templated(-tm) |
List only templated dag nodes. |
-untemplated(-ut) |
List only un-templated dag nodes. |
-ghost(-gh) |
-recursive(-r) |
boolean |
When set to true, this command will look for name matches in
all namespaces. When set to false, this command will only look for
matches in namespaces that are requested (e.g. by specifying a name
containing the ':'... "ns1:pSphere1"). |
-references(-rf) |
List references associated with files. Excludes special
reference nodes such as the sharedReferenceNode and unknown
reference nodes. |
-containers(-con) |
List containers. Includes both standard containers as well as
other types of containers such as dagContainers. |