Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Related. Flags. MEL examples.


imagePlane [-camera string] [-counter boolean] [-detach] [-dropFrame boolean] [-frameDuration int] [-height float] [-imageSize int int] [-name string] [-negTimesOK boolean] [-numFrames int] [-quickTime boolean] [-timeCode int] [-timeCodeTrack boolean] [-timeScale int] [-twentyFourHourMax boolean] [-width float]

imagePlane is undoable, queryable, and editable.

The imagePlane command allows querying of various properties of an image plane and any movie in use by the image plane. It also supports creating and edit. The object passed to the command may either be an imagePlane node, or a camera, in which case the command uses the image plane attached to the camera (if any). If no object is passed in, the current selection is used. Currently, most movie related queries work only on 64 bit Windows systems.

Return value


In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


image, plane




camera, counter, detach, dropFrame, frameDuration, height, imageSize, name, negTimesOK, numFrames, quickTime, timeCode, timeCodeTrack, timeScale, twentyFourHourMax, width
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
-quickTime(-qt) boolean query
Query whether the image plane is using a QuickTime movie.
-timeCodeTrack(-tt) boolean query
Query whether the movie on the image plane has a timecode track.
-dropFrame(-df) boolean query
Query the 'drop frame' flag of the movie's timecode format.
-twentyFourHourMax(-tf) boolean query
Query the '24 hour max' flag of the movie's timecode format.
-negTimesOK(-nt) boolean query
Query the 'neg times OK' flag of the movie's timecode format.
-counter(-cn) boolean
Query the 'counter' flag of the movie's timecode format. If this is true, the timecode returned by the -timeCode flag will be a simple counter. If false, the returned timecode will be an array of integers (hours, minutes, seconds, frames).
-timeScale(-ts) int query
Query the timescale of the movie's timecode format.
-frameDuration(-fd) int query
Query the frame duration of the movie's timecode format.
-numFrames(-nf) int query
Query the whole number of frames per second of the movie's timecode format.
-timeCode(-tc) int query
Query the whole number of frames per second of the movie's timecode format.
-width(-w) float createqueryedit
Width of the image plane. When creating, if this flag is not specified, it will query from the "optionVar -q freeImageWidth" for default value. If queried from optionVar failed or it is 0, then use 1.0 as default width.
-height(-h) float createqueryedit
Height of the image plane. When creating, if this flag is not specified, it will query from the "optionVar -q freeImageHeight" for default value. If queried from optionVar failed or it is 0, then use 1.0 as default height.
-name(-n) string createquery
Set the image plane node name when creating or return the image plane name when querying.
-imageSize(-iz) int int query
Get size of the loaded image.
-camera(-c) string createqueryedit
When creating, it will try to attach the created the image plane to the specified camera. If the given camera is invalid, creating will fail. When querying, it will query which camera current image plane is attaching to. If it has no camera attaches to(like free image plane), it will return empty string. When edit, it will make the image plane attach to the new specified camera. If the camera given is invalid, it will do nothing. When the image plane is attached to a camera, the image plane's transform node will be set identity. The detach command will not restore the original position of the image plane. but the undo command will restore the original position of the image plane.
-detach(-d) edit
This flag can only be used in the edit mode, when this flag is used in edit, it will detach current image plane from any camera it attaches to and make it a free image plane.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can be used more than once in a command.

MEL examples

        // create image plane with width and height example
        string $myImagePlane[] = `imagePlane -w 100 -h 50` ;
        // edit image plane example
        imagePlane -e -w 100 $myImagePlane[1] ;
        // query image with height example
        imagePlane -q -w -h $myImagePlane[1] ;
        // Create image plane with name
        imagePlane -n "Foo" ;
        imagePlane -w 100 -h 50 -n "Foo" ;
        // query loaded image ratio
        imagePlane -q -iz $myImagePlane[1];
        // Create image plane under a specified camera
        string $camera[] = `camera`;
        imagePlane -camera $camera[1];