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The geoConnector node provides an interface between ordinary geometry objects (such as NURBS surfaces) and the dynamics system. A geoConnector node is associated with any such geometry which is emitting particles, exerting a force field, or colliding with particles. The geoConnector node is not used when making an object a rigid or soft body. The node stores positions (and if necessary, pseodo-velocities) for the geometry, and provides a tesselated polygonal representation if needed for emission or collisions.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes

rigidSolver, dynGlobals

Attributes (46)

componentCentroid, componentCentroidLocal, componentCentroidLocalX, componentCentroidLocalY, componentCentroidLocalZ, componentCentroidX, componentCentroidY, componentCentroidZ, componentPositions, componentVelocities, currentTime, deltaTime, friction, geometryModified, groupId, idIndex, idMapping, inputForce, inputGeometryMsg, localGeometry, localSweptGeometry, matrixModified, offset, owner, ownerCentroid, ownerCentroidLocal, ownerCentroidLocalX, ownerCentroidLocalY, ownerCentroidLocalZ, ownerCentroidX, ownerCentroidY, ownerCentroidZ, ownerMasses, ownerPositions, ownerVelocities, preComponentPositions, preOwnerPositions, prevTime, ratePPIn, ratePPOut, resilience, sortedId, sweptGeometry, tessellationFactor, uvSetName, worldMatrix

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
currentTime (ct) time0filmoutputinputconnectable
The current time at which position/velocity data was computed.
prevTime (pt) time0filmoutputhidden
The most recent time at which position/velocity data was computed.
deltaTime (dlt) time0filmoutputhidden
time difference between aCurrentTime and aPrevTime.
owner (own) Messagen/aoutputinputconnectablehidden
Message connection to owning geometry shape. Necessary to support curve on surface. Users should not modify.
inputGeometryMsg (igm) Messagen/aoutputinputconnectablehidden
Obsolete. Retained for file load compatibility in 2.0. Will be removed for 3.0.
localGeometry (lge) Genericn/aoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Used to obtain local surface/curve data from associated geometry.
worldMatrix (wm) matrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
It is the global transformation matrix which is used to transform CVs to the world space.
ownerPositions (pos) vectorArrayemptyoutputconnectable
All edit point positions of the owner shape.
preOwnerPositions (pop) vectorArrayemptyoutput
All edit point positions of the owner shape when last computed. It is used to compute owner's edit point velocities.
ownerVelocities (vel) vectorArrayemptyoutputconnectable
All edit point velocities of the owner shape.
ownerMasses (mas) doubleArrayemptyoutputconnectable
Currently this always returns null. It is provided for possible future expansion to return an array of owner masses.
idMapping (idm) compoundn/aoutputconnectablehidden
Currently this attribute is not used by the geoConnector. It is provided for possible future expansion. When springs are placed on geometry, an input connection to this attribute is made. But the geoConnector currently never requests the input.
sortedId (sid) intArrayemptyoutputconnectablehidden
Currently this attribute is not used by the geoConnector. It is provided for possible future expansion. When springs are placed on geometry, an input connection to this attribute is made. But the geoConnector currently never requests the input.
idIndex (idix) intArrayemptyoutputconnectablehidden
Currently this attribute is not used by the geoConnector. It is provided for possible future expansion. When springs are placed on geometry, an input connection to this attribute is made. But the geoConnector currently never requests the input.
inputForce (ifc) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutputinputconnectable
Currently this attribute is not used by the geoConnector. It is provided for possible future expansion. When springs are placed on geometry, an input connection to this attribute is made. But the geoConnector currently never requests the input.
ownerCentroid (ocd) double3outputconnectable
Centroid of the owner's CV's or particles positions in world space.
ownerCentroidX (ocx) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
x-component of centroid of the owner position in world space.
ownerCentroidY (ocy) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
y-component of centroid of the owner position in world space.
ownerCentroidZ (ocz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
z-component of centroid of the owner position in world space.
ownerCentroidLocal (ocl) double3outputconnectable
Centroid of the owner's CV's or particles positions in local space.
ownerCentroidLocalX (olcx) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
x-component of centroid of the owner position in local space.
ownerCentroidLocalY (ocly) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
y-component of centroid of the owner position in local space.
ownerCentroidLocalZ (oclz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
z-component of centroid of the owner position in local space.
groupId (gri) integer-1arrayoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
Records group identification for selected components of vertices/cvs which are emitting or exerting fields.
componentPositions (cpp) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutputconnectable
A set of CVs' positions of the owner shape.
preComponentPositions (pcp) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutput
It is the set of positions when last computed. It is used to compute component velocities.
componentVelocities (cpv) vectorArrayemptyarrayoutputconnectable
A set of CVs' velocities of the owner shape.
componentCentroid (cpc) double3arrayoutputconnectable
Computed based a set of CV's positions of the owner shape.
componentCentroidX (ccx) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
x-component of centroid of the owner component positions.
componentCentroidY (ccy) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
y-component of centroid of the owner component positions.
componentCentroidZ (ccz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
z-component of centroid of the owner component positions.
componentCentroidLocal (ccl) double3arrayoutputconnectable
Based on a set of CV's positions of the owner shape in local space.
componentCentroidLocalX (cclx) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
x-component of owner's component centroid positions in local space.
componentCentroidLocalY (clcy) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
y-component of owner's component centroid positions in local space.
componentCentroidLocalZ (clcz) distance (double)0.0cmoutputconnectable
z-component of owner's component centroid positions in local space.
sweptGeometry (swg) sweptGeometryNULLoutputconnectablehidden
The swept geometry for the connected shape.
localSweptGeometry (lsg) sweptGeometryNULLoutputconnectablehidden
A local copy of the swept geometry used for nurbs surfaces.
ratePPIn (rpi) double0.0arrayoutputinputconnectablehidden
input for per particle emission rates.
ratePPOut (rpo) doubleArrayemptyoutputconnectable
output for per particle emission rates.
matrixModified (mtm) boolfalseoutputconnectablehidden
Indicates that the matrix has been modified in a non-playback mode.
geometryModified (gmd) integerfalseoutputconnectablehidden
Indicates that the surface has been modified (surface change or matrix change).
tessellationFactor (tf) integer200outputinputstorablekeyable
The approximate number of polygons in the tesselated surface.
uvSetName (guv) stringNULLoutputinputconnectablestorable
For poly surface emitters that have multiple uv sets, this attr specifies which uv set to use when emission rates or colors/opacities have been textured.
resilience (res) double1outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
How much of the particle's velocity perpendicular to the surface is reflected
friction (fri) double0outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The amount of a particle's velocity parallel to a surface that is lost in the collision
offset (off) double0.01outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
The distance from the surface particle will be offset on reflection