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Related nodes. Attributes.
The clipLibrary node manages the source clips and their animation
curves for a single character. The clipLibrary's compute method is
able to evaluate the attached clips to obtain their attribute
values at any time, independent of the current scene time.
While the clipLibrary node manages source clips, the clipScheduler node
manages instanced clips. In other words, the clipLibrary handles the
raw clip data, and the clipScheduler manages the placement of the clips
on the timeline (clips placed in Trax).
Each character will be associated with at most a single clipLibrary and
a single clipScheduler.
The clipLibrary node is able to keep track of source clips and their
associated animCurves by connections in the dependency graph. Each source
clip is represented by an animClip node which is connected to
the clipLibrary's sourceClip attribute. The index of the array
attribute where the sourceClip attribute is connected is used as an
unique index to identify the connected source clip.
Animation curves are connected to the clipLibrary using
function attributes. The function attributes
allow the library to evaluate the curves at times other than the current
scene time. The indices of the attributes where the animation curves are
connected are used to correlate the curve to its associated clip and
channel, as follows:
- The clipEvalList attribute index correlates
to the attribute index of the sourceClip of the
animCurves related source clip (an animClip node).
- The clipEval attribute index for a connection correlates
to the character index of the channel being driven by the
connected animCurve.
Since the clipLibrary manages its associated clips via connections, it
is important that all required connections are made when setting up clips.
The API contains two function sets: MFnClip and
MFnCharacter, which will make the proper clipLibrary connections
when you create clips using the API.
Node name | Parents | MFn type | Compatible function sets |
clipLibrary | node | kClipLibrary | kBase kNamedObject kDependencyNode kClipLibrary |
Related nodes
clipScheduler, characterMap
Attributes (20)
activeClip, characterMapping, characterdata, clip, clipEval, clipEvalList, clipEval_Hidden, clipEval_Inmap, clipEval_InmapFrom, clipEval_InmapTo, clipEval_Outmap, clipEval_OutmapFrom, clipEval_OutmapTo, clipEval_Raw, clipFunction, clipIndexMapping, clipName, duration, sourceClip, start
Long name (short name) | Type | Default | Flags |
(cel )
| compound | n/a |       |
| clipEval
(cev )
| compound | n/a |       | |
| clipEval_Hidden
(cevh )
| function | NULL |    | |
| | clipEval_Raw
(cevr )
| function | NULL |    | |
| | clipEval_Inmap
(cevi )
| compound | n/a |      | |
| clipEval_InmapTo
(cevit )
| short | 0 |     | |
| | clipEval_InmapFrom
(cevif )
| short | 0 |     | |
| | clipEval_Outmap
(cevo )
| compound | n/a |      | |
| clipEval_OutmapTo
(cevot )
| short | 0 |     | |
| | clipEval_OutmapFrom
(cevof )
| short | 0 |     | |
(cf )
| function | NULL |   |
(cd )
| compound | n/a |       |
| characterMapping
(cm )
| characterMapping | NULL |      | |
| clipIndexMapping
(cim )
| intArray | empty |      | |
(act )
| integer | -1 |    |
(cn )
| string | TmultiSharedObject::create<TdataString>"unusedClip" |     |
(st )
| time | 0film |      |
(du )
| time | 0film |      |
(sc )
| Message | n/a |     |
(cl )
| Message | n/a |     |