ジャンプ先: 概要. 戻り値. 関連. フラグ. Python 例.
, [border=boolean], [fromEdge=boolean], [fromFace=boolean], [fromUV=boolean], [fromVertex=boolean], [fromVertexFace=boolean], [internal=boolean], [toEdge=boolean], [toFace=boolean], [toUV=boolean], [toVertex=boolean], [toVertexFace=boolean], [vertexFaceAllEdges=boolean])
注: オブジェクトの名前と引数を表す文字列は、カンマで区切る必要があります。これはシノプシスに示されていません。
polyListComponentConversion は、取り消し可能、照会不可能、および 編集不可能 です。
1 つまたは複数のタイプのポリゴン コンポーネントを別の 1 つまたは複数のタイプに変換し、変換のリストを返します。現在のデータベースは変更されません。
selectionItem[] | ポリゴン コンポーネントのリスト |
polyInstallAction, polySelectConstraint, polySelectConstraintMonitor
border, fromEdge, fromFace, fromUV, fromVertex, fromVertexFace, internal, toEdge, toFace, toUV, toVertex, toVertexFace, vertexFaceAllEdges
import maya.cmds as cmds
# Convert the vertices to envolved poly face(s) and list results.
cmds.polyListComponentConversion( 'plg.vtx[5:6]', 'plg.vtx[9:10]', fv=True, tf=True, internal=True )
# Result: plg.f[4] #
# Convert anything to related poly face(s) and list results.
cmds.polyListComponentConversion( 'plg.vtx[0]', 'plg.vtx[3]', 'plg.vtx[8]', tf=True )
# Result: plg.f[0] plg.f[2] plg.f[3] plg.f[6] #
# Convert an object to faces and list results.
cmds.polyListComponentConversion( 'plg', tf=True )
# Result: plg.f[*] #
# Convert vertices to faces on selectionList and list results.
cmds.select( 'plg.vtx[0]', 'plg.vtx[3]', 'plg.vtx[8]', r=True )
cmds.polyListComponentConversion( fv=True, tf=True )
# Result: plg.f[0] plg.f[2] plg.f[3] plg.f[6] #
# Use several calls of the command to list edges in the order
# in which they appear in a face.
cmds.polyPlane( w=1, h=1, sx=1, sy=1 )
# Will return the edges in numeric order:
cmds.polyListComponentConversion( 'pPlane1.f[0]', ff=True, te=True )
# Result: pPlane1.e[0:3]
# Now convert to vertexFace and then to edge to get the edges in the order they
# appear within the face:
vfList = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( 'pPlane1.f[0]', ff=True, tvf=True )
vfList = cmds.ls( vfList, flatten=True )
# Result: pPlane1.vtxFace[0][0] pPlane1.vtxFace[1][0] pPlane1.vtxFace[3][0] pPlane1.vtxFace[2][0]
for vf in vfList:
edge = cmds.polyListComponentConversion( vf, fvf=True, te=True )
print edge
# Prints out the edges in the order they show up in the face.
# Illustrate the vertexFaceAllEdges flag
cmds.polyPlane( w=1, h=1, sx=1, sy=1 )
cmds.select( 'pPlane1.vtxFace[0][0]', r=True )
# Get the edge that originates at the selected face vertex
print cmds.polyListComponentConversion( fvf=True, te=True )
# Result: pPlane1.e[0]
# Get both edges that adjoin the selected face vertex
print cmds.polyListComponentConversion( fvf=True, te=True, vfa=True )
# Result: pPlane1.e[0:1]