addAttr is undoable, queryable, and editable.
Type of attribute | Flag and argument to use |
boolean | -at bool |
32 bit integer | -at long |
16 bit integer | -at short |
8 bit integer | -at byte |
char | -at char |
enum | -at enum (specify the enum names using the enumName flag) |
float | -at "float" (use quotes
since float is a mel keyword) |
double | -at double |
angle value | -at doubleAngle |
linear value | -at doubleLinear |
string | -dt "string" (use quotes
since string is a mel keyword) |
array of strings | -dt stringArray |
compound | -at compound |
message (no data) | -at message |
time | -at time |
4x4 double matrix | -dt "matrix" (use quotes
since matrix is a mel keyword) |
4x4 float matrix | -at fltMatrix |
reflectance | -dt reflectanceRGB |
reflectance (compound) | -at reflectance |
spectrum | -dt spectrumRGB |
spectrum (compound) | -at spectrum |
2 floats | -dt float2 |
2 floats (compound) | -at float2 |
3 floats | -dt float3 |
3 floats (compound) | -at float3 |
2 doubles | -dt double2 |
2 doubles (compound) | -at double2 |
3 doubles | -dt double3 |
3 doubles (compound) | -at double3 |
2 32-bit integers | -dt long2 |
2 32-bit integers (compound) | -at long2 |
3 32-bit integers | -dt long3 |
3 32-bit integers (compound) | -at long3 |
2 16-bit integers | -dt short2 |
2 16-bit integers (compound) | -at short2 |
3 16-bit integers | -dt short3 |
3 16-bit integers (compound) | -at short3 |
array of doubles | -dt doubleArray |
array of floats | -dt floatArray |
array of 32-bit ints | -dt Int32Array |
array of vectors | -dt vectorArray |
nurbs curve | -dt nurbsCurve |
nurbs surface | -dt nurbsSurface |
polygonal mesh | -dt mesh |
lattice | -dt lattice |
array of double 4D points | -dt pointArray |
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Sets the long name of the attribute.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Sets the short name of the attribute.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Sets the nice name of the attribute for display in the UI. Setting the
attribute's nice name to a non-empty string overrides the default
behaviour of looking up the nice name from Maya's
string catalog. (Use the MEL commands
"attributeNiceName" and "attributeQuery -niceName" to lookup an attribute's
nice name in the catalog.)
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
This flag is obsolete and does not do anything any more
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Specifies the attribute type, see above table for more details.
Note that the attribute types "float", "matrix" and "string"
are also MEL keywords and must be enclosed in quotes.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Specifies the data type. See "setAttr" for
more information on data type names.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Specifies the default value for the attribute
(can only be used for numeric attributes).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Makes the new attribute a multi-attribute.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Sets whether an index must be used when connecting
to this multi-attribute. Setting indexMatters to false forces the
attribute to non-readable.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Specifies the minimum value for the attribute
(can only be used for numeric attributes).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Flag indicating whether an attribute has a minimum value.
(can only be used for numeric attributes).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Specifies the maximum value for the attribute
(can only be used for numeric attributes).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Flag indicating whether an attribute has a maximum value.
(can only be used for numeric attributes).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Whether or not attribute data is cached internally in the node.
This flag is currently not supported (it will always be set
to a default value of true).
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Whether or not the internal cached value is set when
this attribute value is changed. This is an internal flag
used for updating UI elements.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Attribute that is to be the new attribute's parent.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
How many children will the new attribute have?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Is the attribute to be used as a color definition?
Must have 3 DOUBLE or 3 FLOAT children to use this
flag. The attribute type "-at" should be "double3"
or "float3" as appropriate. It can also be used to
less effect with data types "-dt" as "double3" or
"float3" as well but some parts of the code do not
support this alternative. The special attribute
types/data "spectrum" and "reflectance" also support
the color flag and on them it is set by default.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Is the attribute to be treated as a filename definition?
This flag is only supported on attributes with data type "-dt" of "string".
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Will this attribute be hidden from the UI?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Can outgoing connections be made from this attribute?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Can incoming connections be made to this attribute?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Can the attribute be stored out to a file?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Is the attribute keyable by default?
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Was the attribute originally created by a plugin? Normally set
automatically when the API call is made - only added here to support
storing it in a file independently from the creating plugin.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Soft minimum, valid for numeric attributes only. Specifies the
upper default limit used in sliders for this attribute.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Flag indicating whether a numeric attribute has a soft minimum.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Soft maximum, valid for numeric attributes only. Specifies the
upper default limit used in sliders for this attribute.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Flag indicating whether a numeric attribute has a soft maximum.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif) ![edit edit](../gfx/edit.gif)
An attribute category is a string associated with the attribute to identify it.
(e.g. the name of a plugin that created the attribute, version information, etc.)
Any attribute can be associated with an arbitrary number of categories however
categories can not be removed once associated.
![create create](../gfx/create.gif) ![query query](../gfx/query.gif)
Flag used to specify the ui names corresponding to the enum values. The specified string should contain a colon-separated list of the names, with optional values. If values are not specified, they will treated as sequential integers starting with 0. For example: -enumName "A:B:C" would produce options: A,B,C with values of 0,1,2; -enumName "zero:one:two:thousand=1000" would produce four options with values 0,1,2,1000; and -enumName "solo=1:triplet=3:quintet=5" would produce three options with values 1,3,5. (Note that there is a current limitation of the Channel Box that will sometimes incorrectly display an enumerated attribute's pull-down menu. Extra menu items can appear that represent the numbers inbetween non-sequential option values. To avoid this limitation, specify sequential values for the options of any enumerated attributes that will appear in the Channel Box. For example: "solo=1:triplet=2:quintet=3".)
![create create](../gfx/create.gif)
Returns true if the attribute queried is a user-added, dynamic attribute; false if not.