
Defines arguments manipulation utilities, like checking if an argument is iterable, flattening a nested arguments list, etc. These utility functions can be used by other util modules and are imported in util’s main namespace for use by other pymel modules


breadth iterator doing a breadth first expansion of args
breadthArgs returns a list of a breadth first expansion of args
breadthIterArgs iterator doing a breadth first expansion of args
compareCascadingDicts compares two cascading dicts
expandArgs ‘Flattens’ the arguments list: recursively replaces any iterable argument in *args by a tuple of its
isIterable Returns True if an object is iterable and not a string or ProxyUnicode type, otherwise returns False.
isMapping Returns True if an object is a mapping (dictionary) type, otherwise returns False.
isNumeric Returns True if an object is a number type, otherwise returns False.
isScalar Returns True if an object is a number or complex type, otherwise returns False.
isSequence same as operator.isSequenceType
iterateArgs Iterates through all arguments list: recursively replaces any iterable argument in *args by a tuple of its elements that will be inserted at its place in the returned arguments.
listForNone returns an empty list when the result is None
mergeCascadingDicts recursively update to_dict with values from from_dict.
pairIter Returns an iterator over every 2 items of sequence.
postorder iterator doing a postorder expansion of args
postorderArgs returns a list of a postorder expansion of args
postorderIterArgs iterator doing a postorder expansion of args
preorder iterator doing a preorder expansion of args
preorderArgs returns a list of a preorder expansion of args
preorderIterArgs iterator doing a preorder expansion of args
reorder Reorder a list based upon a list of positional indices and/or a dictionary of fromIndex:toIndex.
sequenceToSlices convert a sequence of integers into a tuple of slice objects



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