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This is the global frame time node. It manages the flow of time during an animation. There is one time node per graph and the graph gets all of its time information from its time node.

Node nameParentsMFn typeCompatible function sets

Attributes (14)

enableTimewarp, outTime, timecodeMayaStart, timecodeProductionStart, timewarpIn, timewarpIn_Hidden, timewarpIn_Inmap, timewarpIn_InmapFrom, timewarpIn_InmapTo, timewarpIn_Outmap, timewarpIn_OutmapFrom, timewarpIn_OutmapTo, timewarpIn_Raw, unwarpedTime

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
outTime (o) time0filmoutputinputconnectablestorable
Output time. The current global (warped) frame time. Typically this is the plug to which downstream animation DG nodes will be connected. This is the plug to which animCurveTxxx nodes have an implicit connection if their input is unconnected.
unwarpedTime (unw) time0filmoutputinputconnectablestorable
Output time. The current global unwarped frame time. This is the time shown on the timeline and elsewhere in the UI, and the time that the 'currentTime' command refers to.
timewarpIn (twi) compoundn/aoutputinputconnectable
Input from timewarp. To create a timewarp, connect a DG node (typically the 'apply' attribute of an animCurveTT) to this plug.
timewarpIn_Hidden (twih) functionNULLoutputinputhidden
For Internal Use Only
Function being applied at this attribute with the mappings cached for efficiency
timewarpIn_Raw (twir) functionNULLoutputinputconnectable
For Internal Use Only
Actual function being applied at this attribute
timewarpIn_Inmap (twii) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function input parameters to function data input parameters
timewarpIn_InmapTo (twiit) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function input parameter index
timewarpIn_InmapFrom (twiif) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data input parameter index
timewarpIn_Outmap (twio) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Mapping of node's function output parameters to function data output parameters
timewarpIn_OutmapTo (twiot) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Node's internal function output parameter index
timewarpIn_OutmapFrom (twiof) short0outputinputconnectablestorable
For Internal Use Only
Function data output parameter index
enableTimewarp (etw) boolfalseoutputinputconnectablestorable
Enable the timewarp.
timecodeProductionStart (tps) time0filmoutputinputconnectablestorable
This is where the scene time code starts in production. For example, the Maya scene represents a short clip in the overall production, starting at time 0h:30min:0s and ending at 0h:30min:20s - the production start time refers to the 0h:30min:0s time.
timecodeMayaStart (tms) time0filmoutputinputconnectablestorable
This is the Maya scene time that corresponds to the timecodeProductionStart time. For example, the Maya scene represents a short clip in the overall production, starting at time 0h:30min:0s and ending at 0h:30min:20s, this attribute tells us at what time in this Maya scene the above clip starts.