pasteKey is undoable, queryable, and editable.
The pasteKey command pastes curve segment hierarchies from the
clipboard onto other objects or curves. If the object hierarchy
from which the curve segments were copied or cut does not match the
object hierarchy being pasted to, pasteKey will paste as much as it
can match in the hierarchy. If animation from only one object is on
the clipboard, it will be pasted to each of the target objects. If
animation from more than one object is on the clipboard, selection
list order determines what animation is pasted to which object.
Valid operations include:
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-attribute(-at) |
string |
List of attributes to select
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-option(-o) |
string |
Valid values are "insert", "replace", "replaceCompletely",
"merge", "scaleInsert," "scaleReplace", "scaleMerge", "fitInsert",
"fitReplace", and "fitMerge". The default paste option is:
"insert". |
-clipboard(-cb) |
string |
Specifies the clipboard from which animation is pasted. Valid
clipboards are "api" and "anim". The default clipboard is:
anim |
-connect(-c) |
boolean |
When true, connect the source curve with the destination
curve's value at the paste time. (This has the effect of shifting
the clipboard curve in value to connect with the destination
curve.) False preserves the source curve's original keyframe
values. Default is false. |
-copies(-cp) |
uint |
The number of times to paste the source curve. |
-timeOffset(-to) |
time |
How much to offset the pasted keys in time (for time-input
animation curves). |
-floatOffset(-fo) |
float |
How much to offset the pasted keys in time (for non-time-input
animation curves). |
-valueOffset(-vo) |
float |
How much to offset the pasted keys in value. |
-index(-in) |
uint |
index of a key on an animCurve
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-time(-t) |
timerange |
time uniquely representing a key (or key range) on a time-based
animCurve. Valid timeRanges include single values (-t 10) or a
string with a lower and upper bound, separated by a colon (-t
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-float(-f) |
floatrange |
value uniquely representing a non-time-based key (or key range)
on a time-based animCurve. Valid floatRange include single values
(-f 10) or a string with a lower and upper bound, separated by a
colon (-f "10:20")
In query mode, this flag needs a value.
-includeUpperBound(-iub) |
boolean |
When the -t/time or -f/float flags represent a range of keys,
this flag determines whether the keys at the upper bound of the
range are included in the keyset. Default value: true. This flag is
only valid when the argument to the -t/time flag is a time range
with a lower and upper bound. (When used with the "pasteKey"
command, this flag refers only to the time range of the target
curve that is replaced, when using options such as "replace,"
"fitReplace," or "scaleReplace." This flag has no effect on the
curve pasted from the clipboard.) |
-animation(-an) |
string |
Where this command should get the animation to act on. Valid
values are "objects," "keys," and "keysOrObjects" Default:
"keysOrObjects." (See Description for details.) |