animLayer is undoable, queryable, and editable.
This command creates and edits animation layers.
In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
Long name (short name) |
Argument types |
Properties |
-root(-r) |
string |
Return the base layer if it exist |
-mute(-m) |
boolean |
Set the mute state of the specified layer. Default is
false. |
-solo(-s) |
boolean |
Set the solo state of the specified layer. Default is
false. |
-override(-o) |
boolean |
Set the overide state of the specified layer. Default is
false. |
-passthrough(-pth) |
boolean |
Set the passthrough state of the specified layer. Default is
true. |
-lock(-l) |
boolean |
Set the lock state of the specified layer. A locked layer can
not receive key. Default is false. |
-parent(-p) |
string |
Set the parent of the specified layer. Default is the animation
layer root. |
-children(-c) |
string |
Get the list of children layers. return value is a string
array. |
-weight(-w) |
float |
Set the weight of the specified layer between 0.0 and 1.0.
Default is 1. |
-attribute(-at) |
string |
Adds a specific attribute on a object to the layer. |
-bestAnimLayer(-blr) |
In query mode returns the best anim layers for keying for the
selected objects. If used in conjunction with -at, will return the
best anim layers for keying for the specific plugs (attributes)
specified. |
-animCurves(-anc) |
In query mode returns the anim curves associated with this
layer |
-wbd) |
In edit mode writes the destination plugs of the blend nodes
that belong to the layer into the blend node. This is used for
layer import/export purposes and is not for general use. |
-baseAnimCurves(-bac) |
In query mode returns the base layer anim curves associated
with this layer, if any. |
-blendNodes(-bld) |
In query mode returns the blend nodes associated with this
layer |
-addSelectedObjects(-aso) |
Adds selected object(s) to the layer. |
-excludeTranslate(-etr) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes the
translate attribute. |
-excludeRotate(-ert) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the rotate
attribute. |
-excludeScale(-esc) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the scale
attribute. |
-excludeVisibility(-evs) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, exclude the
visibility attribute. |
-excludeBoolean(-ebl) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any
boolean attributes. |
-excludeDynamic(-edn) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any
dynamic attributes. |
-excludeEnum(-een) |
When adding selected object(s) to the layer, excludes any enum
attributes. |
-removeAttribute(-ra) |
string |
Remove object from layer. |
-removeAllAttributes(-raa) |
Remove all objects from layer. |
-copy(-cp) |
string |
-copyNoAnimation(-cna) |
string |
Copy from layer without the animation curves. |
-exists(-ex) |
Determine if an layer exists. |
-preferred(-prf) |
boolean |
Determine if a layer is a preferred layer, the best layer
algorithm will try to set keyframe in preferred layer first. |
-selected(-sel) |
boolean |
Determine if a layer is selected, a selected layer will be show
in the timecontrol, graph editor. |
-collapse(-col) |
boolean |
Determine if a layer is collapse in the layer editor. |
-bestLayer(-bl) |
Return the layer that will be keyed for specified
attribute. |
-affectedLayers(-afl) |
Return the layers that the currently selected object(s) are
members of |
-moveLayerAfter(-mva) |
string |
Move layer after the specified layer |
-moveLayerBefore(-mvb) |
string |
Move layer before the specified layer |
-layeredPlug(-lp) |
string |
returns the plug on the blend node corresponding to the
specified layer |
string |
transfer animation from specified layer to destination layer,
only animation that are on attribute layered by both layer that are
concerned. |
-copyAnimation(-ca) |
string |
copy animation from specified layer to destination layer, only
animation that are on attribute layered by both layer that are
concerned. |
-forceUIRefresh(-uir) |
refreshes the animation layers user interface. |
-forceUIRebuild(-fur) |
rebuilds the animation layers user interface. |
-findCurveForPlug(-fcv) |
string |
finds the parameter curve containing the animation data for the
specified plug on the given layer. |