
static system.exportAnim(exportPath, **kwargs)

Export all animation nodes and animation helper nodes from all objects in the scene. The resulting animation export file will contain connections to objects that are not included in the animation file. As a result, importing/referencing this file back in will require objects of the same name to be present, else errors will occur. The -sns/swapNamespace flag is available for swapping the namespaces of given objects to another namespace. This use of namespaces can be used to re-purpose the animation file to multiple targets using a consistent naming scheme. The exportAnim flag will not export animation layers. For generalized file export of animLayers and other types of nodes, refer to the exportEdits command. Or use the Export Layers functionality.

  • force:

    Force an action to take place. (new, open, save)

  • type:

    Set the type of this file. By default this can be any one of: mayaAscii, mayaBinary, mel, OBJ, directory, plug-in, audio, move, EPS, Adobe(R) Illustrator(R), imageplug-ins may define their own types as well.Return a string array of file types that match this file.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.file

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