Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Related. Flags. Python examples.


about([apiVersion=boolean], [application=boolean], [batch=boolean], [buildDirectory=boolean], [codeset=boolean], [connected=boolean], [currentDate=boolean], [currentTime=boolean], [cutIdentifier=boolean], [date=boolean], [environmentFile=boolean], [evalVersion=boolean], [file=boolean], [fontInfo=boolean], [helpDataDirectory=boolean], [irix=boolean], [is64=boolean], [linux=boolean], [linux64=boolean], [localizedResourceLocation=boolean], [macOS=boolean], [macOSppc=boolean], [macOSx86=boolean], [ntOS=boolean], [operatingSystem=boolean], [operatingSystemVersion=boolean], [product=boolean], [qtVersion=boolean], [uiLanguage=boolean], [uiLanguageIsLocalized=boolean], [version=boolean], [win64=boolean], [windowManager=boolean], [windows=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

about is undoable, NOT queryable, and NOT editable.

This command displays version information about the application if it is executed without flags. If one of the above flags is specified then the specified version information is returned.

Return value

string The application's version information.




apiVersion, application, batch, buildDirectory, codeset, connected, currentDate, currentTime, cutIdentifier, date, environmentFile, evalVersion, file, fontInfo, helpDataDirectory, irix, is64, linux, linux64, localizedResourceLocation, macOS, macOSppc, macOSx86, ntOS, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, product, qtVersion, uiLanguage, uiLanguageIsLocalized, version, win64, windowManager, windows
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
cutIdentifier(c) boolean create
Return the cut string
version(v) boolean create
Return the version string
qtVersion(qt) boolean create
Return Qt version string
apiVersion(api) boolean create
Return the api version
file(f) boolean create
Return the file version string
product(p) boolean create
Return the license product name
date(d) boolean create
Return the build date string
application(a) boolean create
Return the application name string
buildDirectory(bd) boolean create
Return the build directory string
environmentFile(env) boolean create
Return the location of the application defaults file.
operatingSystem(os) boolean create
Returns the operating system type. Valid return types are "nt", "win64", "mac", "linux" and "linux64"
operatingSystemVersion( osv) boolean create
Returns the operating system version. on Linux this returns the equivalent of uname -srvm
ntOS(nt) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Windows.
windows(win) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Windows based.
win64(w64) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Windows x64 based.
irix(ir) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Irix. Always false with support for Irix removed.
evalVersion(ev) boolean create
Returns true if this is an eval version of the application.
linux(li) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Linux.
linux64(l64) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Linux 64 bit.
batch(b) boolean create
Returns true if application is in batch mode.
macOS(mac) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is Macintosh.
macOSppc(ppc) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is a PowerPC Macintosh.
macOSx86(x86) boolean create
Returns true if the operating system is an Intel Macintosh.
currentDate(cd) boolean create
Returns the current date in the format yyyy/mm/dd, e.g. 2003/05/04.
currentTime(ct) boolean create
Returns the current time in the format hh:mm:ss, e.g. 14:27:53.
is64(x64) boolean create
Returns true if the application is 64 bit.
uiLanguage(uil) boolean create
Returns the language that Maya's running in. Example return values include "en_US" for English and "ja_JP" for Japanese.
uiLanguageIsLocalized(uii) boolean create
Returns true if we are running in an alternate language, not the default (English).
localizedResourceLocation( lrl) boolean create
Returns the path to the top level of the localized resource directory, if we are running in an alternate language. Returns an empty string if we are running in the default language.
codeset(cs) boolean create
Returns a string identifying the codeset (codepage) of the locale that Maya is running in. Example return values include "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", "1252". Note that the codeset values and naming conventions are highly platform dependent. They may differ in format even if they have the same meaning (e.g. "utf8" vs. "UTF-8").
fontInfo(foi) boolean create
Returns a string of the specifications of the fonts requested, and the specifications of the fonts that are actually being used.
windowManager(wm) boolean create
Returns the name of the Window Manager that is assumed to be running.
connected(cnt) boolean create
Return whether the user is connected or not to the Internet.
helpDataDirectory(hdd) boolean create
Returns the help data directory.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

cmds.about( )

version = cmds.about(v=True)